Since 2010, Honduras has had one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world, ranging between 59 and 86 per 100,000 according to the U.S. Department of State. According to the Honduran Commission for Human Rights (Conadeh), 75 people died in attacks against the public transport service in Honduras between January and July 2019. Major cities connect via an inconsistently maintained, two-lane system of paved roads, with many unpaved secondary roads. The government allocated insufficient funds for implementation of the plan and relevant agencies relied on additional support from foreign donors to implement its activities. Responding police fired tear gas in and around the main terminal to regain control after protesters entered the building and airport grounds. The government is implementing similar programs for other locations (e.g. honduras crime and safety report 2022. Weather Alert for U.S. Citizens - Tropical Storm Julia (7 October, 2022) Message for U.S. Citizens: Absentee Voting Week is October 1-8, 2022 (28 September, 2022) Message for U.S. Citizens: Town Hall with Ambassador Dogu and Consular Services also Available in Roatan, Honduras (14 September, 2022) Detained U.S. citizens should insist on speaking to U.S. Embassy representatives as soon as possible. Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Embassy/Consulate website. Do not travel to Gracias a Dios Department due to crime. Officials from several ministries conducted additional trainings and awareness-raising activities with support from NGOs and international organizations. CountryReports 1997 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved. While there are no areas in major urban cities free of violent crime, notably dangerous locations in Tegucigalpa include the areas surrounding Suyapa Cathedral, downtown Comayagela, downtown Tegucigalpa, and neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city that are generally controlled by gangs. All bus travel should be during daylight hours and on first-class conveyances, not economy buses. ", expressed the UN Resident Coordinator in Honduras, Alice Shackelford, on Twitter. Assaults in these areas may be based on tips from sources at airport arrival areas, so visitors are strongly urged to exercise caution in discussing travel plans in public. In October 2019, a thief stole the side view mirrors from a U.S. employees personally owned vehicle while it was parked on a side street near the Embassy. UN teams are now better enabled to support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Crimes against U.S. citizens in the past year have ranged from petty theft to violent offenses, including armed robbery, home invasion, sexual assault, and several instances of murder and attempted murder. First responders referred potential trafficking victims to CICESCTs immediate response team, composed of two psychologists and a social worker, for immediate support. In accordance with the governments intersectoral protocol on victim protection, CICESCT coordinated with relevant government institutions and NGOs to provide additional services to victims, including mental health counseling, legal services, medical care, lodging, food, family reintegration, and repatriation. In 2021, almost 39 homicides were committed per 100,000 inhabitants in Honduras. Review OSACs report, Understanding the Consular Travel Advisory System. AUDIE CORNISH,. Travelers should be aware, however, that the assistance the Embassy can provide is limited to making sure U.S. citizens are not treated differently from local detainees and providing them with a list of local attorneys. Is Honduras Safe to Travel Alone Traveling solo is becoming more popular and within Latin America, more people including myself have set out to travel alone. Perpetrators of sexual assaults are often armed. In April 2019, one or more individuals attempted a surreptitious breach of perimeter fencing at a U.S. Embassy residence. A review of crime statistics from the Honduran national police shows that violent crimes are more prevalent in the Departments of Francisco Morazn and Corts. According to InSight Crime, the crime rate has decreased by 26%, which is what the Honduran government is aiming to work on if they expect more visitors per year. According to the Honduran National Police, there were 12 kidnappings reported nationwide during 2019. Authorities initiated prosecutions of nine suspects (seven for sex trafficking and two for forced labor), compared with 55 initiated in 2019 (53 for sex trafficking including procuring commercial sex acts and two for forced labor) and 35 in 2018. Many of these U.S. citizens are church and humanitarian aid volunteers working throughout the country, including in gang-controlled neighborhoods. The government has also begun implementing a series of police reforms; it has formed groups such as the National Inter-Agency Security Task Force (FUSINA) and the National Anti-Gang Task Force (FNAMP) to combat crime. Resolution of disputes in court often takes years. UNODC works on the development of standards for national crime and criminal justice information systems and for the conduct of victimization surveys. Honduras, long one of the poorest countries in Latin America, is now also among the most violent and crime-ridden. Vehicles often drive at night without adequate lighting. This amount was an increase from 5.53 million lempiras ($221,400) provided in 2019, though officials reported they lacked adequate financial and human resources to provide comprehensive victim care, support victims throughout the country, and collect and analyze victim data. DOS Trafficking in Persons Report - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019. Despite significant Honduras 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report. Download the State Departments Crime Victims Assistance brochure. There are claims of widespread corruption in land sales, deed filing, and dispute resolution, including claims against attorneys, real estate companies, judges, and local officials. The governments disaggregated victim data included some victims of related crimes such as child pornography; all identified victims were Honduran citizens and included 43 children and 24 adults, 56 females and 10 males, and one LGBTQI+ individual. Airlines estimate that approximately 250,000 U.S. citizens flew into Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, or Roatn in 2019. Quarter of residents in Yangon's poorest areas often go without income, From Grief to Growth: Supporting a Woman Farmer in Lebanon, Reaching the last mile in Uganda: Decentralised Coordination for impact, Strengthening Resident Coordinator Leadership, Violence against women, the other pandemic impacting Honduras, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The ambulance does not have paramedics or emergency medical equipment; it functions solely as transport to hospitals. The Honduran government is modernizing some of the main transportation road networks to four-lane highways, which can lead to increased travel times because of ongoing construction. "The issue of gender-based violence is a central human rights issue. The government demonstrated overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity; therefore Honduras remained on Tier 2. Passengers on public buses have been the victims of robbery at roadblocks and bus stops, during daytime and nighttime hours. Sources indicate that organized criminal organizations have been . Members of the LGBTI+ community have reported violent assaults because of gender identity and sexual orientation. Historically, governments have. Criminal organizations, including gangs, exploit girls in sex trafficking, force children into street begging, and coerce and threaten children and young adults to transport weapons, sell drugs, commit extortion, or serve as lookouts; this occurred primarily in urban areas, but one NGO reported an increase in gang activity in rural areas. These crimes may have been the result of tips from sources surveilling the airport arrival area. Although Honduras has made some progress, many perceive the property registration system as unreliable and a constraint on investment, particularly in the Bay Islands. According to a report published in June 2020 by the Network Against Anti-Union Violence, 36 trade unionists were murdered between 2009 and 2019. 0. U.S. citizens have been the victims of a wide range of crimes, including murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, and property crimes. CICESCT sustained its efforts to provide immediate protection to victims and coordinate additional services among other stakeholders without interruption throughout the pandemic. The government maintained a specialized anti-trafficking prosecution unit, but experts observed the unit remained understaffed and lacked sufficient resources to investigate and prosecute trafficking crimes. In 2019, there were 1,500 traffic fatalities throughout the country. The Honduran government conducts occasional joint police/military patrols in major cities in an effort to reduce crime. 2018 toyota rav4 pros and cons. Honduras has a long history of sustaining damage due to powerful tropical storms and hurricanes. Crime in Honduras in 2012, according to the U.N., Honduras experienced. Traffickers exploit Honduran women and children in sex trafficking within the country and in other countries such as Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. The rate of young people killing other young people is down to two main gangs : Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18. Copyright 2023 United Nations Sustainable Development Group. "I am a survivor of domestic violence and I am lucky to be alive," said Rosa Maria Perez at the launch of the campaign. The state of emergency, in place since Dec. 6 in 165 areas of Honduras' largest two cities, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, has been expanded to 235 of the country's 298 municipalities, the . Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2019 was 42.01, a 7.91% increase from 2018. There have been frequent incidents of carjacking and highway robbery on a number of roads including the main highway (CA-5) between San Pedro Sula and Siguatepeque, with the greatest risk between Potrerillos and Pito Solo in the lake area. Review OSACs reports, Cybersecurity Basics, Best Practices for Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile Devices: Trends & Best Practices, and Satellite Phones: Critical or Contraband? Explore and easily find UNSDG publications. Discrimination occurs against ethnic minorities and the LGBTI+ community. This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa. Overall corruption helped facilitate trafficking crimes. Read more about the coordinated response to COVID-19. Diarrheal illness is very common even in large cities and luxury accommodations. The Honduras Medical Center (HMC) is the primary private hospital that the Embassy uses for emergency response and when hospitalization is required. Honduras Crime Rate & Statistics 1990-2023, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2020 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2019 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2018 was, Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2017 was. Review OSACs reports, The Healthy Way, Traveling with Medication, Im Drinking What in My Water?, Shaken: The Donts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Safety Abroad. Honduras lacks the infrastructure to maintain water purity and food safety. Avoid non-essential travel to the following areas and departments due to instances of violent crime, increased gang activity and violent demonstrations: within 20 km of the border with Guatemala with the exception of Copn Ruinas. These penalties were sufficiently stringent. Review OSACs report, Kidnapping: The Basics. A large number of media have distorted the populations perception on violence against women by informing about it in a way that makes it seems as if these are isolated cases, when the reality is that this is an endemic issue in the Honduran society. Honduras is a signatory to the International Labor Organizations 169 Convention, which requires free prior notice and informed consent from indigenous communities before any development projects can begin; the congress has not approved a law regulating this process. The Public Ministry trained 160 prosecutors on human trafficking including on new provisions in the penal code, and the governments judicial training school trained select magistrates, judges, and justices of the peace on human trafficking issues. Most cruise line passengers experience no problems, but there have been reports of associated armed robbery and carjacking. The CICESCT convened a network of 32 government agencies and NGOs and coordinated the governments anti-trafficking efforts, including implementation of the 2016-2020 national anti-trafficking action plan. This report of the Central America Monitor aims to define a baseline for the indicators related to reducing violence and combatting organized crime in Honduras. Latest News Profile Criminal Actors Investigations News Latest News Review OSACs reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Departments webpage on driving and road safety abroad. Honduras removed the offense of sex tourism from its amended penal code, and the government did not investigate or prosecute any suspected trafficking cases in the tourism sector. These deaths included several in San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba involving U.S. citizens murdered shortly after arriving in the country. Incidents of crime along roads, including carjacking and kidnapping, are common in Honduras. Civil society continues to advocate for this law to be passed and the United Nations has joined in these efforts. Natalia Lozano is a Honduran lawyer, working in the fields of human, women's, LGBT, and youth rights as the Honduran National Coordinator of Right Here Right Now. Cattrachas, a lesbian feminist human rights group in Honduras's capital of Tegucigalpa, said 405 LGBTQ people have been reported killed in the country since 2009, according to the Blade. Emergency services, even in Tegucigalpa, generally are basic. It is also recommended that drivers vary their routes and schedules so as to not create a predictable routine. Story written by Maria ElenaClix, Communications and Advocacy Officer at the Office of the Resident Coordinator in Honduras. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . Avoid using Collectivos (white sedan taxis with a sticker on the windshield denoting its established route), Roleteros (private white sedan taxis with no established routes), and Rapiditos (small buses that pick up multiple riders). Massay Crisantho is one of the 21 most influential people named ambassadors to help advocate on ending violence against women and girls by the United Nations in Honduras. The main problems are related to corruption, robbery, and vandalism. However, with respect to sex trafficking, these penalties were not commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. Due to the lack of enforcement of traffic laws, travelers should make an extraordinary effort to drive defensively. international and local public pressure, MACCIHs mandate ended in January 2020 without agreement for its extension between the OAS and the Honduran government. Develop and implement standardized procedures for victim identification and referral, including screening for indicators of forced criminal activity among children involved in gang-related crimes. First Lady Ana Garcia de Hernandezs Migration Task Force continued to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to informing Hondurans about the dangers of irregular migration, including trafficking risks, and the government continued public awareness campaigns warning of trafficking risks along migratory routes through Guatemala and Mexico. Before you travel, consider the following resources: OSAC Risk Matrix OSAC Travelers Toolkit State Department Travelers Checklist Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), U.S. Mission Tegucigalpa Announcement No: TGG-2018-14, Honduras Submission from the Inter-American, A Tale of Twenty Cities a Tale of Twenty Cities, Honduras Was the Central American Country Hardest Hit by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, Political Culture of Democracy in Honduras and in the Americas, 2014, Aguascalientes, Mexico Amman, Jordan Amsterdam, Nederlands St, Cuba GPD CUBA an Exciting Place to Invite and Network with Your South and North American Customers Tuesday 6Th December 2016 Meli Cohiba Hotel, ENGLISH ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin, Climate Change in Central America | Potential Impacts and Public Policy Options, Pan-American Temperature and Precipitation Table, HONDURAS Public Disclosure Authorized Building Resilience Community Disaster Risk Management in the Poorest Neighborhoods of Tegucigalpa, Roberto Micheletti Casa Presidencial Boulevard Juan Pablo Segundo Tegucigalpa HONDURAS, Growing Greener Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean, Situation Report--Antigua, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Ensuring the Availability of Drinking Water for the Population of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Atlas of Migration in Northern Central America (LC/PUB.2018/23), Santiago, 2018, Intelsatone Expansion with Aldea Solutions Inc, CENTRAL AMERICA and the CARIBBEAN 90 80 70 60 Tampa St, EXPANDING OPERATIONS in CENTRAL AMERICA 2019 Contents, Capitals of North America Learn the Capital Cities of North America, Caribbean C Buenaventura a Holgun Nassau B Cay Lobos, Bridging Standardization Gap BDT Sylvester Cadette Programme Officer, ITU, BDT/AMS/AO-BGI, Physical and Sexual Violence, Mental Health Indicators, and Treatment Seeking Among Street-Based Population Groups in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN Export Service Guide, Honduras: Procedures for Lodging a Criminal Complaint with the Police Including a Complaint About Police Activity Or Misconduct, US Embassy Tegucigalpa Immigrant Visa Interview Instructions, Inspection of Embassy Tegucigalpa Honduras, MIA Freighter Service to 100 Cities - 3Rd Quarter 2021, RBP - Panama Regional Bureau WFP Presence - 2021 105W 100W 95W 90W 85W 80W 75W 70W 65W 60W 55W 50W 45W 40W 35W 30W N N !\ , Living Without Sanitary Sewers in Latin America the Business of Collecting Fecal Sludge in Four Latin American Cities, NORTH AMERICA 80 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Nord 80 0 East Greenland Sea Jan Mayen 160 Cherskiy (NORWAY), The Costs of Chronic Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: the Case of Diabetes, Americas Accelerator Platform FRENTE AL CAMBIO CLIMTICO, Honduras Country Profile Health in the Americas 2007, Honduras: the Case of Drinking Water Supply in Tegucigalpa.
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