Zach: I guarantee that you'll be the best videogame maker. - Lincoln fell on knees in pain - The morphine stopped working! Lynn Sr.: >to Lori< You know what, you're right honey, it's time you should be getting on the road, just, have a good time kiddo. It's already dead, that game is more important to me than your lame old japanese rubber monster suit kinda movies, now buzz off Stinkoln. Back to Lincoln and Lynn's fight on groundfloor. (Lincoln and Lori went off to drop off the scanner at Carol's, once they went to Carol's to return the scanner, Carol just waved at them, Lori then got out of the car and gave it back to her). You both must fix what's broken and forgive each other. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? (It then cuts to the living room where Clyde, the nine sisters and parents were at the Loud family computer for the moment of truth). (Then another flying monster appears alongside Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni, this creature had Luna's head with a body of a pterosaur-like creature). "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Ms. Merdich: Good question, I originate from what is New South Whales which is the land down under, you know, Australia, my home is in Albert, I lived there for eighteen years from my childhood to my high school years, and I've came to America to be a teacher, it took me four years of college and know here I am, and this is my fourth year as a teacher, and I'm very happy to be here, but I do miss home though. - You too, Lana. The day bad luck became good luck. Lori: Hey Lincoln, would you like to watch a movie with me? Ms. Merdich: No worries, I will always remember you, so I'll come back when Principal Ramirez needs me to sub for me, but for now, there is another school that needed me, because another teacher is going to be out for a while because she is having a baby. - Lincoln protested. Ms. Merdich: Exactly, even if it means losing my job as a substitute teacher. Leni: >wakes up< Oh, Morning Linky, I wanted to sleep with you because I heard you screaming last night, so I thought I could cuddle you, because I understand Lori sometimes do it, and the same goes with Luna. (Once Lincoln got his flash drive onto Ms. Merdich's computer, he then clicked on the files with each character spacifically, he tested out all of the animations, the class except Chandler looked amazed at it, after going through all of the animation sprites, all of the class except Chandler clapped real hard, Ms. Merdich was even more impressed then ever). - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we. Girls student one: But my names not Shelia! Lincoln: Her name is Ms. Merdich, she gave me an assignment on a new videogame idea that we had to make on a computer. - Lincoln revealed to wear a pair of googles - Do tomboys cry? Abraham Lincoln's assassination was actually at. "Oh yeah," Lincoln said. Lynn Sr.: >offscreen< Kids, dinner, it's Meatball Monday! I've recently discovered that the world of anime has a lot to offer in the horror genre. I mean, they were a pretty big animation company, especially during the 1990's. Mr. Bolfner: >annoyed, to Lincoln< Consider yourself lucky you didn't get lower than a D-, stop groaning and zip it, do you want me to write you up again for groaning? "Cute hearts by the way.". -I feel no grudge to you and you're no bully. More like Lamezilla you ask me! (It then cuts to the last student's game presentation of the Ace Savvy fan game made by Chandler who's desgins of Ace himself are atrocious, he fights one of ace's bad guys and the entire class cringed at the game , once the game was over, Chandler exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the computer, Ms. Merdich was not pleased with his game). Lincoln and Lana went outside and walked towards the city centre. (After dinner, Lincoln went back to his room and slept on his bed as he was dreaming about making a new game, he was making it until the computer went black, and later turns it back on, suddenly a computer virus in a form of an evil face of Mr. Bolhofner appears on his computer). - Lola complained - This is so awful! - Lynn tried to stand up still crying - I do this so you could learn how to defend yourself from bullies. Lana took a rubber ball from her bag and throwed it on floor. Lincoln: >annoyed< Great, now it's a Bolhofner MechaGodzilla. Ms. Merdich: Next, we move on to the next step, genre, you need to describe what game is it, for example, the Crash Bandicoot games are a platformer series, while some do have racing and party at times, others like Call Of Duty and FortNite are shooter games, you need to add in a genre, they are worth about sixty percent of your grade. Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. Rob Paulson: >squawk< Due next Friday, due next Friday! Ms. Merdich: Now, make sure that you enter a code for each of your characters and any NPC's, for thoue who don't know what an NCP is, it's an abriviation for "Non-playable character" and if you do it well, your game will be a smash hit. - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. Come, sit next to me. Lincoln pulled a cord and a line of cannons blasted out confetti, delighting the audience. - You should have thought how would she feel before you did it. Grouse?!?! Lori: Okay, I'll call and place an order. From Australia? Lincoln: Oh, I see, so are you going to help me? WellI guess you'll have to sit with me and my sardine breath at lunch. Sorry it took so long. Luan: I hope everyone's ready for good show, 'cause I can guarantee this will be a real "blast". Principal Ramirez: The good news is, you all will be relocated in an empty classroom, we got all of your desks moved here, and you have a temporary substitute teacher, and she's been looking forward to meeting all of you, she is running late, so why don't you kids go on ahead to room 94 and you'll be on your way, have a good day! (Lynn was heartbroken on the inside that without her aggressiveness, she no longer had the instinct to step in and abuse Lincoln for what he said about her because she kept her promise, she sat down by the dining room table in depression, her father just stepped in noticing that something was wrong with Lynn, he sat next to her) Bolhofner Virus: Congratulations Loud, you are now one of us! Stella: I'm a good artist, I could do the backgrounds for each level. Ms. Merdich: Now the last thing you need to do is to add sound, background and music, I would highly recommand you add Media fire to the file and add some sounds to make your characters make noises, oh and don't forget to add music, it's very important that you do so, oh and don't forget to test out your game when you are done. Mr. Grouse: Well, why didn't you tell me that in the first place? (The sisters and Lynn Sr. were funning up to them like a pack of wolves, but Lori had to make a loud whistle, then they all stopped like a tire screeching). The other characters in this fanfic will not be introduced until next chapter. Lincoln: And then I finally get the idea on what moves I want to use for each creature. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! I was just expressing my opinion, I mean, Stinkoln should have done a sports game, not any of that lame guy in rubber-suit stuff. ben suarez bread / joseph wiley kim burrell / loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. (It then cuts to the classrooms with Ms. Merdich and the students as they were all sitting here doing thier tests, Lincoln was filling in the asnwers, Chandler was still trying to pick on Lincoln, but he was under supervision from Rob Paulsen to make sure he doesn't cause trouble this time). (It then cuts to another camera where it points to). Lincoln: >disappointed< Well Clyde, I guess I'll be the first one in my family to not finish it in time, maybe doing a Godzilla game wasn't the best idea I've had in mind after all. That was bullying! Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Ms. Merdich: Now for the next assignment, I need you to add your characters for the game, you can make as many as you want, it doesn't matter how much you have in your character roster, what matters is your own imagination. Rusty: That sounds like a cool idea Lincoln! Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< That's good on ye mate, I think we are all going to get alone just fine. Ms. Merdich: I'll pick>points to Lincoln< Lincoln! Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: >to grils< >beep boop bop bop< You girls are in after school detention, prepare to suffer consequences >whirrrrrr click<, (Bolhofner MechaGodzilla fires three finger missles from the right hand, but the monster girls were able to dodge them, so Luna Rodan helped attack Bolhofner MechaGodzilla, while Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni teamed up against Chandler Ghidorah, Mothra Leni was grabbed by his two heads, and his middle head zaps her, knocking her to the ground, this angers Godzilla Lori as she uses her atomic breath to knock him off the air, he fell and was stomped on, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla shoots the laser eyes and gets her attention, she charges at it as she tries to topple it down, the robot was about to zap her with the chest beam, it succeeds, knocking her down, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla aims it's finger missiles at her, Lincoln was witnessing it in shock, as he dives onto the robot, the robot notices him). 1 Lori and Bobby's Distracting Make Out He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should start by adding the big five Godzilla monsters with Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla, but what about the other three? Carmen De La Antchez and her husband Paco run a restaurant in the town called Carmen's Cocina. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< So son, how is your project getting along? (The class even made up some good stories, Lincoln was making up a good story for his Godzilla game, he came up with a brilliant idea to have an alien control seven monsters except for one monster controlled by the player, once they were done, they moved on to the next step). - Sigh, you have such a nice touch. Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulsen< Thank you Robbie, >to Lincoln< Sorry about that Lincoln, I'll take care of him, now go back to your seat. LENI: Good luck, Luna. (And that is what Lori did, she grabbed a kitchen knife and started to cut the burger in half, she took the other half of the burger and put it in the microwave, Lincoln began to take a big bite on his burger, he love the taste of the grade A beef, once he was finished, he went back to work on his project). (Lincoln then inserts the flash drive on the computer and the shortcut pops up, Lincoln double clicks on it and the game starts loading, then the Godzilla theme starts playing, and then the menu pops up offscreen they were all amazed on what Lincoln had done with oo's and aa's, the family started to comment on Lincoln's game, it laters zooms out to the Loud House where everyone was proud of Lincoln's hard work on his game, four days later, the day had finally come, Lincoln was fully prepared, he got his backpack ready, and his flashdrive in his backpack, it then cuts to the school bus where Lincoln is sitting next to Clyde, as he tells everything on how it will go). Rita: Wow, Lori must have gotten you all worked up huh? It was bouncing from everything it touched and quickly moving in whole room much to Lola's fear and Lana's satifsaction. - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. (Lincoln's class got the math text books and started turning the page, Mr. Grouse turns to the audience). (The entire class points at Lincoln and Lincoln was embarrassed about it, Mr. Bolhofner then turns to Lincoln in anger). Lynn run up on the stairs but she slipped half way to Lincoln and screamed out of surprise. Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. 2. "I don't know why but I think nothing can destroy this joyful mood of mine," Lincoln said. Lincoln: I forgot to place in the abilities on my characters, I didn't have time to do them. Also, nothing nothing against Clyde, but I'm glad to see Lincoln and Lori bonding without him. Lincoln: Just think you guys, I bet I could make the best game ever. It is called "Santo Bugito". - Lincoln stopped looking at Lynn with anger and released her ponytail - Have you ever wondered how I feel because of this? Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. It seems you all still have much to learn. Lori: That's real nice of you Linky, but I'm thinking about ordering us some Pizza together, and maybe will get cinnamon sticks for dessert. (A mouse then touches Lincoln as he gets digitized into a computer world where he sees digitized versions of his friends). Bohofner MechaGodzilla: >to Lincoln< Loud >beep beep< You deserve to be in lunch for attacking your teacher. (Lincoln then inserted the flash drive onto Ms. Merdich's computer and the shortcut has popped up, he then clicks on it and it starts loading, first it shows copyright information and the credits, then out of nowhere a scene from the ocean appears, and the head of Godzilla has risen from the water, the classic Godzilla theme starts playing, and Godzilla roars at the fourth wall, and then the title screen pops up, the class and even Mr. Bolhofner looked in amazement, Chandler didn't even care, Lincoln clicked on one player versus as he didn't want to play the entire story which is a complete waste of time, he then clicks on Godzilla as a playable character, then he clicks on King Ghidorah as his computer opponent, he then clicks on the Tokyo level at night, then the game starts loading and then the level pops up with Godzilla and King Ghidorah ready for action, Lincoln plays as Godzilla as he does his attacks on King Ghidorah, the opponent then shoots his gravity beams on Godzilla, Lincoln wasn't backing down, but he used Godzilla's atomic breath to finish him off once and for all, the monsters then got attacked by NPC military vehicles, it also drained their health as well, Lincoln just focused on fighting King Ghidorah as he isn't worried about the military vehicles at all, King Ghidorah's health was already getting low because of how he fought aggressively against him, with one final blow, Lincoln as Godzilla defeated King Ghidorah, the entire class except Chandler just clapped for Lincoln's success of a game, he exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the flah player out of the computer). If she ever treats you again--. Lincoln: I hope so too, otherwise, I don't want to lose my confidence. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed, to Lincoln< SHUT UP LOUD, I'M YOUR TEACHER AND YOU MUST DO WHAT I SAY, SO GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT, AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, I'M IN CHARGE, NO MORE OF THAT STUPID PROJECTS ABOUT MAKING DOLLS OR COMPUTER GAMES IN MY CLASSROOM! - Lincoln put scissors back on its place - If you told me, this whole situation would never happen. You just went too far in self-defense. They narrate the story by changing each image. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lola said in unison. Lincoln: Absolutely, so I think I should be able to do an Ace Savvy fighting videogame and it's going to be the greatest game I've ever played. The Loud House is a trademark of Nickelodeon created by Chris Savino. Rita: A Godzilla game on a computer? Luna: She was great at doing it, she got an A+ on it when she started middle school. Lincoln removed a white glove from his right hand and puffed, scattering a white powder. Chapter 1: The path of darkness. And for what? (Ms. Merdich typed in the website were it will take them to a programming site, she has shown them the basic codes for making a game). Godzilla Lori: I just finished up my first Kaiju fight, just shoved her face in the volcano. Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. From there, Lincoln spent the rest of his day with a big smile plastered on his face. Teamwork. Lori: Ah, that's good for your first try, now, try drawing other parts of it's body on separate pieces of paper so you will get the idea for your character's body parts.
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