If a person with such knowledge knowingly fails to make a report, theyre subject to a state jail felony. SB1737 seeks to amend Section 544.007 of Texas Transportation Code in order to allow cyclists and motorcyclists to proceed through a traffic-actuated red light if the traffic-control signal fails to register the motorcycle or bicycle. The bill states that teachers must be paid a monthly salary of at least $7,000, increased by $50 for every prior year of experience (i.e., a teacher with 10 years of experience would have a base monthly salary of at least $7,500, and a teacher with 20+ years of experience would have a base monthly salary of $8,000). Offering an incentive or inducement (other than a warranty issued by a repair person or facility) for the beneficiary or claimant to use a particular repair person or facility. Dan Patrick says he doesnt expect a push to legalize sports betting in Texas to go anywhere in this years legislative session. HB1609 goes even further by seeking to classify possession of four (4) ounces or less of marijuana as a Class C misdemeanor. SB70 seeks to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to add a section titled Use of Force Reporting.. Texas law currently allows for truck accident victims to pursue damages against both the commercial truck driver as well as the transportation company who hired the driverif it can be shown that their negligence (e.g., lax vetting of hired drivers, pushing drivers past their hours-of-service limits, failure to maintain their fleet, etc.) These daycare facilities shall retain all recorded video required by this act for at least 30 days after the date the video is recorded. At the time of the arrest, the officer reasonably believes that as a direct result of the accident any individual has died, will die, or has suffered serious bodily injury. Amendments to California Assembly Bill 655, intended to improve the states self-storage lien law, passed the Senate on Friday with a 30-0 vote. It also states that no person may sell, offer for sale, or deliver any liquor before 10 a.m. or after 9 p.m. on any other day. Among other things, HB833 also states that deadly force is only to be used by peace officers as a last resort, and that before using force, officers must attempt to de-escalate the situation and issue a warning that force will be used. The use of force must be terminated the moment the person against whom force is used becomes compliant or is subdued. Here's what you need to know. Manage and Report Changes to an Existing License, Texas Responsible Alcohol Delivery Training, Information for Local Government Officials, File a TABC Certification School Complaint, Personal Importation and Ports of Entry FAQs, TABC Sept. 1, 2021 License Consolidation Explained chart (PDF). HB2067 also states that Confederate Heroes Day, which currently falls on the same date, would be removed from the list of official state holidays. The training program must be approved by the attorney general, and will include guidance on how to recognize and report human trafficking, how to report suspected human trafficking, and more. The person entering into the settlement agreement on behalf of the minor must complete an affidavit or verified statement that attests that to the best of the persons knowledge, the minor will be fully compensated by the settlement, or that there is no practical way to obtain additional amounts from the party entering into the settlement agreement with the minor. For existing electrical customers, a $250 credit may be applied to each retail account. New Clean Slate Driver's License Suspension Laws HJR133 & SJR49 both propose a constitutional amendment which would authorize and regulate casino gaming at a limited number of destination resorts and facilities licensed by the (yet-to-be-created) Texas Gaming Commission, as well as authorize sports wagering in the state. Governor Abbott has already signaled his backing, and the bills are expected to receive bipartisan support when they comes up for vote. If passed, HB1121, SB736 & HB2070 each seek to lay the groundwork for legalized sports betting in Texas. While similar bills had been introduced in the 82nd and 85th Texas Legislature (in 2011 and 2017, respectively), both failed to pass. Each of the bills listed above seek to allow casino gambling in parts of southern Texas (within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico). Texas Driving on a Suspended License Laws - TX Suspended License Not all of these bills will become law. HB1676 (known as Catis Act) seeks to amend Chapter 341 of Texas Health and Safety Code in order to enact additional requirements for schools and youth camps which allow children under their supervision access to a swimming pools, lakes, rivers, or other bodies of water. On the other hand, HB255 seeks to raise the minimum wage annually based on the consumer price index (called an adjusted minimum wage). If passed, HB3056 would amend Subchapter A, Chapter 711 of Texas Health and Safety Code to add a section entitled Prohibiting Billboards on Cemetery Property. It would state that a person may not erect or maintain a billboard on cemetery property, and that a cemetery organization may not enter into a contract or lease authorizing a billboard on cemetery property. Often referred to as swoop and settle tactics, the objective is to get the victim to agree to settle their claim before theyre even able to see a doctor or get an estimate on repair costs. Both HB1949 & HB1956 seek to amend Section 2056 of Texas Government Code in order to require the Texas state climatologist to provide to the Legislative Budget Board (for use in the strategic planning of a state agency) a report on projected changes in weather (including adverse impacts), water availability, and climate variability across the state. The act would also require officers to provide aid immediately to any person who needs medical attention as a result of the use of force by a peace officer, as well as require identification as a peace officer before taking any action within the course and scope of the officers official duties (unless the identification would render the action impracticable). Establish a safe distance of at least three (3) feet when passing pedestrians/cyclists in a car or light truck, and six (6) feet for operators of large trucks and commercial vehicles. Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers HB1980 also seeks to outlaw nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements which prohibit an employee from disclosing to any person, including during any related investigation, prosecution, legal proceeding, or dispute resolution, facts surrounding any sexual assault or sexual harassment committed by an employee of the employer or at the employees place of employment, including the identity of the alleged offender. HB442, if passed, would effectively lower the prima facie speed limit of any residential street in Texas (located within in a municipality and not officially designated or marked as part of the state highway system) from 30 miles per hour down to 25 miles per hour. If passed, HB3198 would require original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of digital electronic equipment sold or used in this state to make available, on fair and reasonable terms, to any independent repair provider or to an owner of digital electronic equipment manufactured by or on behalf of, sold by, or supplied by the original equipment manufacturer: HB4063, on the other hand, would require original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of electronics-enabled heavy equipment sold or used in this state to make available, on fair and reasonable terms, to any independent repair provider or to an owner of electronics-enabled heavy equipment manufactured by or on behalf of, sold by, or supplied by the original equipment manufacturer: Texas law currently prohibits car manufacturers from directly selling vehicles to customers, and instead encourages automakers to sell via franchised dealerships. The commissioner shall set the rate of the adjustment no later than November 1st of each year. Jan. 1, 2021 5:20 AM PT. HB3335, if passed, also seeks to amend amend Section 17.46, Business & Commerce Code to include selling electricity at prices at least 200% higher than the market average price for the four quarters immediately preceding a declared disaster as a false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice., SB2075 seeks to amend amend Section 17.46, Business & Commerce Code to include selling electricity at prices at least 300% higher than the average price for the month immediately preceding a declared disaster as a false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice., If passed, each of the above-proposed bills seek to amend Section 39.151 of Texas Utilities Code to ensure that each member of the governing body of the independent organization certified to manage the ERCOT power region (including the CEO) must be a resident of Texas. There is a substantial risk that the person to be arrested or attempting to escape after arrest will cause death or serious bodily injury to the actor or another if the arrest or apprehension is delayed. New Lawyer's License Suspended After Sending Letter Falsely Accusing Co-Worker's Husband of Sexual Harassment. This constitutional amendment would also authorize the legislature to enact a law based on the results of the referendum. A description of the force used by the peace officer; An explanation as to why the degree of force used was necessary; and. The money placed in a minors savings account, trust account, or trust subaccount may not be withdrawn, removed, paid out, or transferred to any person, including the minor, except pursuant to a court order, on the minors 18th birthday, or upon the minors death. Employees who make a good faith report of a suspected act of human trafficking may not be disciplined, retaliated against, or otherwise discriminated against by their employer. Require a peace officer who participates in an investigation to keep a body worn camera activated for the entirety of the investigation. In 2017, Texas passed a law banning drivers from electronic messaging via a portable wireless communication device (i.e., a phone) while operating a motor vehicle. In Texas last legislative session two years ago, lawmakers passed a bill into law which increased the maximum amount of money that one can recover in small claims court (called justice court in Texas) from $10,000 to $20,000. Additionally, the bill would adjust for inflation each subsequent year. Currently, there is no specific penalty for turning off a camera during an investigation. Although spending $666 on average per year may seem like a lot, you will likely spend twice that amount in fines if you skip insurance altogether. Now passed, this law will take effect on 09/01/2021, but will not affect the enforceability of any provision in an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before 01/01/2022. The actor is the owner or occupant of the real property over which the unmanned aircraft was operated or the actor received the prior written consent of the owner or occupant of that property; The unmanned aircraft was operated in the course of the actors actual discharge of official duties as a member of the United States armed forces or the state military forces; or. This bill also seeks to disallow ride operators from simultaneously operating more than one amusement ride at a time. If passed, HB1590 seeks to amend several sections of Texas Family Code in order to completely remove this exception. If approved, this holiday would fall on the 28th day of June. Disregarding a repair operation or cost identified by an estimating system, including the systems procedural pages and any repair, process, or procedure recommended by the original equipment manufacturer of a part or product. If passed, SB680 seeks amend Section 17.46, Business & Commerce Code (deceptive trade practices) in order to define electricity as a necessity, as well as to outlaw the exorbitant or excessive pricing of electricity during a declared disaster. If passed, HB562 would require each law enforcement agency in Texas to adopt a detailed written policy regarding the use of force by peace officers employed by the agency. Texas law currently prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages during certain hours in a public place. SB1440, on the other hand, seeks to allow physicians in the state to prescribe low-THC cannabis to veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). HB2838 would, however, allow customer outages for more than 12 hours to the extent necessary to supply facilities the commission determines are critical to maintaining public health and safety.. While these bills are similar to each other in many ways, there are key differences between each of themincluding how the tax proceeds would be allocated. A description of any attempt that was made by the peace officer to de-escalate the situation before the force was used (if applicable). Notably, the bill would permit the delivery of such beverages to consumers located in dry areas of the state. Consume alcoholic beverages on the businesss premises; or. Today, we figured wed highlight some of these new proposed laws and explain exactly what they mean in simple terms. Similarly, HB3918 seeks to require that all motor vehicle mufflers not emit a sound of more than 95 decibels, measured 20 inches from the tailpipe, while the vehicle is operating in neutral between 3,000 and 5,000 RPM. Giuliani's Law License Is Suspended Over Trump Election Lies - The New If passed, HB2540 seeks to amend Section 547.605(c) of Texas Transportation Code to state that the owner or operator of a passenger car or light truck manufactured after 1967 may not modify the exhaust system (or a part of the system) in a manner that the owner or operator knows or should know will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor of the vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle.. Auto insurance companies will often contact car accident victims within hours of an accident claim being filed in order to offer them a quick (lowball) settlement offer. If passed, both HCR35 & SCR21 seek to designate March 10 as Histotechnology Professionals Day for a period of ten (10) years in order to provide an opportunity to educate the public about the field of histotechnology and to give recognition to the vital contributions of histologists.. If passed, this temporary exemption would expire on January 1, 2022. If passed, HB2067 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code to add COVID-19 Heroes Day in honor of the frontline workers, essential personnel, and all Texans who sacrificed during the pandemic. If passed, HB1178 seeks to amend the heading to Section 481.125 of Texas Health and Safety Code in order to remove all criminal penalties for the possession of drug paraphernalia under the Texas Controlled Substances Act (possession of drug paraphernalia is currently a Class C misdemeanor). If passed, SB616 seeks to further lay the legal groundwork for casinos to operate in the state, including administration, licensure, fees, standards, inspections, and more. The bills outline the path for the commission to form a sports betting program, to enter into contracts, to issue permits for sports betting operations, and much more. Please allow 21 business days for processing. Texas Attorney Suspended, 20 Others Disciplined Currently, under Texas law, a district judge may issue an order for the installation and use of a mobile tracking device if an authorized peace officer submits an affidavit which states the facts and circumstances that provide a reasonable suspicion that criminal activity has been, is, or will be committed; and the installation and use of a mobile tracking device is likely to produce information that is material to an ongoing criminal investigation of that criminal activity. If passed, each of the bills listed above seek to amend Chapter 28 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code in order to make these changes permanent. From police reform to legalized gambling and alcohol sales to digital license plates, here's a small sampling of the bills filed during Texas' 87th legislative session. The Texas Compassionate Use Act (first passed in 2015) already allows physicians in Texas to prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients diagnosed with epilepsy, seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, terminal cancer, or an incurable neurodegenerative disease., If passed, HB1233 seeks to amend Sections 169.002 and 169.003 of the Texas Occupations Code in order to remove these specific qualifying conditions. The bill also states that officers have a duty to intervene to stop or prevent another peace officer from using force against a person suspected of committing an offense if: Finally, a peace officer who witnesses the use of excessive force by another peace officer must also promptly make a detailed report of the incident and deliver the report to their supervisor. Supporters of the bill said that removing the straight-ticket voting option forces voters to make more informed decisions in individual elections, but opponents claim the legislation disproportionately impacts minority voters. If, during any 12-month period, TxDOT receives 10 or more of these reports for a single intersection, they shall perform a traffic study of that location and take actions determined reasonable and necessary to improve safety at the location. Prepare and submit periodic reports that evaluate systemic issues affecting law enforcement agencies in this state to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and each member of the legislature. Many have argued that reality TV shows like Live PD and Cops may encourage some law enforcement officers to use excessive force. If the victim simply says yes to any such settlement, under Texas law, theyve legally settled their claim. For more information on the current license structure, fees and more, visit the following pages and resources: Copyright 2023 Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. If passed, HB1073 would require daycare centers to place video recording equipment in each area of the facility (excluding bathrooms) occupied by children who are two years of age or younger, and to record any time children who are two years of age or younger are present in the area. HB1982, if passed, would amend Chapter 481of Texas Health and Safety Code in order to add a section on medical cannabis prescriptions, which states that medical cannabis may be dispensed to a patient only by a pharmacist licensed under Subtitle J, Title 3, Occupations Code, at a pharmacy licensed under Chapter 560, Occupations Code, under a valid prescription.
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