Each had voted for the Republican nominee in 2004 and contributed to Obama's sizable Electoral College victory. In these general elections, the winners were elected for the term beginning January 3, 2009; ordered by state. To win the presidency, a candidate must win a majority of all electors. First-time candidate Bob Conley, an airline pilot, was the Democratic nominee. senate.gov - Origins wikipedia.org - United States Senate By December 2007, a credit crisis related to overextension of subprime mortgage-backed securities led to a significant recession. For more information please visit. Privacy Policy | In Oklahoma, senator Jim Inhofe announced that he would seek a third full term. On May 8, 2007, Rep. Tom Allen (ME-1) announced his candidacy on his website. Senator Obama won the number of electors necessary to be elected president and was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.[3]. Dykstra won the Republican primary on June 3. On December 2, 2008, Chambliss won the run-off with 57% of vote to Martin's 43%. Domenici's role in the developing scandal had reduced the probability he would have been re-elected, and a SurveyUSA poll showed his approval ratings at 41%, with 54% disapproving. [1][2] This would be the last election until 2020 in which the Democrats won the Presidency and unified control of Congress. Kerry won with 66% of the vote to Beatty's 31%. McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. On November 4, 2008, Chambliss received 49.8% of the vote,[42] with Martin about 3% behind and Buckley receiving 3% of the vote. Obama won nearly all major demographic groups on his way to victory. On October 4, 2007, senator Craig announced he will not seek re-election, but would remain in office until the end of his term.[48]. Such seating became known as the Cherokee Strip, a reference to the region in Oklahoma with land that at the time belonged neither to the Indian Territory nor the United States. [20] On July 30, 2007, the IRS and FBI raided Stevens's home in Alaska. Map of the 2008 Senate races using the latest state polls. The 2008 United States Senate elections were held on November 4, 2008, with 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate being contested. The campaign engaged targeted groups through networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Once, during the 1950s, when Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon had left the Republican Party but not yet joined the Democratic Party, he placed his chair temporarily in the middle of the center aisle in order to demonstrate his independence. Sections Sections Top Stories Video Live U.S. Elections were held for 85 legislative chambers, with all states but Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Alabama, Maryland, and Virginia holding elections in at least one house. Independent. Setting the popular vote will also set the color of a state, Clicking on a district will set the popular vote to max, Clicking doesn\'t set state color or open menu, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, F - hold down to quickly fill in districts, D - hold down to fill/disable entire states. The assignment of these desks is governed by a series of Senate resolutions. South Dakota was the tipping point state, decided by a margin of 25.0%. Franken announced his candidacy on February 14, 2007, more than 20 months before the election. [151] Texas House of Representatives member and Afghanistan War veteran Rick Noriega secured his place as Cornyn's Democratic challenger in the March 4 primary, beating out opponents Gene Kelly, Ray McMurrey, and Rhett Smith. National security and foreign policy issues took a back seat to the economy due to an unraveling financial crisis. In the Primary, Lautenberg soundly defeated Representative Rob Andrews (NJ-1) by a margin of 62% to 32%. [132], In Rhode Island, Democratic senator Jack Reed had an approval rating of 66% in November 2006. But the division has not always been as clearly defined as it is now. The 2008 United States elections were held on November 4. Barkley, who had briefly been appointed Senator after the death of Paul Wellstone in 2002, ran under the banner of the Independence Party, the largest third party in Minnesota. Going into these elections, the Senate consisted of 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and two Independents who caucused with the Democrats, giving the Democratic caucus the slightest 5149 majority. There were also two special elections, the winners of those seats would finish the terms that ended January 3, 2013. When a seat became open, the first senator to speak for it won the right to it. Obama won the general election with 52.9 percent of the popular vote and 365 of the 538 electoral votes. Today the desks are no longer arranged in their original order, but are moved within the Chamber to suit the needs of the Senate. Roberts was re-elected with 60% to Slattery's 36%. [91] Controversy arose when Barbour called for the special election to be held on the same day as the general election. The major theme during the campaign was the American public's general desire of change and reform from both Washington and the policies of President Bush. Obama also offered the chance for voters to elect the nations first African American president and a relatively young president at 47 years old. Even though West Virginia is a historically Democratic state, in which the party had a 50-32% edge in party affiliation over the Republicans in the 2004 elections, the state party is more conservative than the national party, giving its votes to President George W. Bush in that election and in 2000. The Republican challenger turned out to be Jeff Beatty, an ex-Army Delta Force officer who garnered 30% of the vote in a challenge to Democratic Congressman Bill Delahunt in 2006. Stevens's conviction on seven felony counts of corruption put his re-election bid in serious jeopardy, coming just over a week before the election, though Stevens appealed the conviction. Each desk was custom made for a particular location within the Chamber. Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December 31, 2026. [6] In New York, the Democrats obtained a trifecta for the first time since 1935.[7]. Craig found almost no support among Republicans in his home state or Washington. [19] Two former Veco executives have plead guilty to paying the younger Stevens $242,000 in bribes. Latinos and the 2008 Presidential Election. [152], There were three Libertarians, including 2006 LP senate nominee Scott Jameson, running for their party's nomination. Democratic former Governor Ronnie Musgrove challenged Wicker. The April 2009 party switch of Pennsylvania senator Arlen Specter from Republican to Democrat and the July 2009 resolution of the Minnesota election in favor of Democrat Al Franken increased the Democratic majority to 6040 (providing the Democrats, including the two Independent senators who caucus with them, a supermajority and thus able to hypothetically over-ride any filibusters). Republicans were unsuccessful in persuading Governor Mike Rounds and former Lieutenant Governor Steve Kirby to run. The selected electors from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia voted for President and Vice President of the United States on December 15, 2008. [31] Other possible Republican candidates included former Congressman Scott McInnis and Colorado Attorney General John Suthers. Wolfe had 36%. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois was the Democratic nominee, and Senator John McCain of Arizona was the Republican nominee. Rockefeller handily won on election day, being re-elected with 64% of the vote. Justices Opened Door to Gerrymander Presidential Elections, How Trump Could Win Re-Election By One Electoral Vote, 3 Myths About Abolishing the Electoral College, 5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College, Another Look at the 2020 Battleground States, Imagining the 2024 Electoral Map After Redistricting, The Electoral College Penalizes Voters In High Turnout States, The Winner-Take-All Electoral College Isnt In the Constitution. . He filed as an independent and was subsequently named as the Green Party nominee[146] Edward Buck was also in the race. What Is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact? New Hampshire also saw major Democratic gains in the 2006 elections, when Democrats took both of the previously Republican-held House seats, the gubernatorial race with a record vote share of 74%, and majorities in the State House and Senate, giving them concurrent control of both bodies for the first time since 1874. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) won the presidency by defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) on November 4, 2008. In these special elections, the winner was seated during 2008 or before January 3, 2009, sorted by election date, then state, then class. The FBI investigated the remodeling of Stevens home by Veco Corp., which is part of a broader corruption investigation involving Stevens's son, former State Senate President Ben Stevens. The incumbent governors of Puerto Rico, Anbal Acevedo Vil, and American Samoa, Togiola Tulafono, were also up for re-election. [169] In the primary on August 19, Goodenough was defeated by a political newcomer, Gillette defense attorney Nick Carter, who became Barrasso's opponent in the general election.[170]. [86] Coleman appealed this decision. Live election results and maps for the 2010 midterm elections, including state-by-state and county-by-county maps, and exit polls. *Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) caucus with Democrats. McCain and Obama both voted for a 2008 Senate bill to authorize the Treasury Department to purchase up to $700 billion in securities to prevent additional bankruptcies. simplemaps_election.selected.D = ['CA', 'CT', 'CO', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'HI', 'IA', 'IN', 'NY', 'CO', 'IL', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'ME1', 'ME2', 'MI', 'MN', 'NC', 'NE2', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NH', 'NV', 'OH', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WI']; Content Responsibility | 2023 Electoral Ventures LLC. He also secured wins in Colorado, Indiana, Nevada, and New Mexico, which were not reliable parts of the Democratic coalition to that point. This marked the first time that Nebraska has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-take-all method in 1992. 18, 2008: Official minutes", "Signing Off On A 225 Vote Franken Lead (webcast of Canvassing Board Meeting)", "Finding of Facts, Conclusion of Law, and Order for Judgment", Jesse the Diva Gives Way To Bravado Lite Barkely, Senate race certification set for Monday with Franken up 225 votes, "Coleman: 'I think the law is on our side', "Senator Thad Cochran Announces Intent To Seek Re-Election", "US Senate Election Official Certification", "Lott Officially Resigns, All Eyes Now on Barbour", "Hood Files Suit to Have Special Election Earlier", "Miss. A Brief History of Electoral College Reform Efforts, The New Electoral Map After the 2020 Census, How the 2020 Election Could End In an Electoral Tie, The Electoral College Is Not About The Little Guy, Faithless Electors are a Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Explode. [153] In addition, the Green Party of Texas sought ballot access for its candidate David B. The presidential election, which was won by Democrat Barack Obama, elections for all House of Representatives seats; elections for several gubernatorial elections; and many state and local elections occurred on the same date. Outgoing Republican President George W. Bush's policies and actions and the American public's desire for change were key issues throughout the campaign. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 set off an economic panic that spread globally. There were 20 freshman Senators in the 111th United States Congress. [49] Risch and LaRocco ran against each other in the 2006 Lieutenant Governor race, which Risch won by a wide margin. . Republican John Barrasso was appointed by Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) on June 22, 2007, to fill the senate seat of Republican Craig L. Thomas, who died on June 4. He had already expressed interest in running and had been building the apparatus necessary to wage a Senate campaign.[65]. The Libertarian Party of Tennessee officially selected Daniel Lewis as their candidate for United States Senate on Saturday March 8, 2008, at their annual convention held in Nashville, Tennessee. Utah. The United States Senate is the upper legislature of the bicameral legislative branch. Governors No Toss Ups 45 Democrats * Toss Ups 7 Republicans 48 38 Safe or Not Up 6 1 7 2 4 42 Safe or Not Up 51 Seats Needed. The state traditionally leaned Republican, but John Kerry from neighboring Massachusetts narrowly won the state in the 2004 Presidential election. The goal of having two senators per state is to have each state equally represented in the senate. [24], On October 19, 2007, the AP reported that despite the allegations and FBI probe, several veteran GOP Senatorsincluding Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), and Kit Bond (R-MO)donated enough money to Stevens's re-election campaign to make it one of Stevens's most successful fund raising quarters ever.[25]. Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art Neb. Begich announced his candidacy for the Senate seat on April 22, 2008. Image Reproduction Requests. The Republican nominee was Jay Wolfe of Salem, a former State Senator. Summary of the November 4, 2008, United States Senate election results. What If All States Split Their Electoral Votes. The presence of a serious third party candidate further complicated matters. However, New Hampshire had not elected a Democratic United States senator since 1975. [104] Prior to Shaheen's entry, Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand,[105] Katrina Swett, wife of former Democratic congressman Richard Swett,[106] and former astronaut Jay Buckey[107] had announced that they were running for the Democratic nomination. [120] The Democratic nominee was state senator Kay Hagan,[121] who defeated Jim Neal and Dustin Lassiter in the Democratic primary. POJA Act of 2021 (11/04/2021 legislative day) Senate Floor: PN367. ", Campbell, James E. "An exceptional election: Performance, values, and crisis in the 2008 presidential election. Democrats picked up net gains of eight Senate seats and 21 seats in the House of Representatives on the back of Obama's coattail effect. Pryor won on election day, with 79.53% of the vote. In a state that had been trending to the Democratic party recently, senator Tom Harkin faced the Republican nominee, small business owner Christopher Reed, whom he defeated with 63% of the vote to Reed's 37%. Explore the current seating plan below, use the dropdown for access to past interactive seating plans, or browse PDFs of seating configurations from before 2003. Overview and Live Results: Chicago Mayoral Election, Legislative Special Elections, Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin Running for U.S. Senate, Initial 2024 House Ratings from Sabato's Crystal Ball. Graham easily bested Witherspoon in the June 10 primary.[136]. With Republican President George W. Bush term-limited, Senator John McCain of Arizona won the Republican nomination in the 2008 Republican primaries. Which States Split Their Electoral Votes? Sen. Trent Lott's surprise resignation has opened up the other Mississippi Senate seat in 2008. House forecast in real-time. The prior record, about 62 million, was set in 2004 by George W. Bush. 98%. There were several unique aspects of the 2008 election. Inhofe was re-elected, 57% to 39%. The Electoral College is the process in which the United States elects its president. The resignation of Mississippi Senator Trent Lott, and the death of Wyoming Senator Craig L. Thomas, both Class 1 senators, meant that both of those states' senate seats were up for election.
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