Fixed a double removal of the national revolutionary idea in Insulindia. Reworked all starting navies to drastically reduce the number of capital ships, with a proportional reduction in screens. Fixed the Dutch East Indies keeping the altered version of the Colonial Government national spirit, when the mainland falls to revolution. Fixed the event for Germanys Wilhelm III becoming a field marshal only firing if Germany was the one to start the war. Fixed a missing tooltip for the German Government in Exile. Removed some Ottoman events about representatives withdrawing support for the government. Fixed Siam not puppeting Vietnam when releasing it without Saigon. Swedish decisions to attack neighbours are now triggered by focuses. Serbias Nedic coup now removes the Dream of Yugoslavia national spirit, and includes a NatPop coalition. Fixed South Africa not swapping its name to Republic. Fixed the Yunnan and Lianguang RKMT never joining each others faction and working together. Fixed the Treaty of Budapest firing even if Germany is already dead. It later changes name if it grows larger than the Austro-Hungarian Empire itself. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. Updated AI focus priority for the United Baltic Duchy. Fixed HOL not being able to refit DEI's navy. Massively reduced the time it takes for the Chinese United Front to form. A significant rebalance of the League War, including unit limits, equipment changes, and AI tweaks. Fixed a missing province in a Romanian fortification focus. Fixed Germany not leaving the Balkans to Austria if the latter intervened on their behalf in the Weltkrieg. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Political ministers can no longer be added manually so performance cost-heavy checks could be removed. Reduced Fengtians chances of expelling Japanese officers if at > 20% surrender progress. Rewrote the Chinese annexation events, to prevent issues with countries being forced to annex it. Fixed Paraguay being unable to get its final research slot. When the Chinese Federalists puppet another clique, they will now also puppet the latters own puppets. Removed the Tuareg and Quechua tags. Increased the accessibility of the German Womens Suffrage national focus. Clarified the tooltips generated when checking for a specific ruling government ideology group. Added leader descriptions to the Italian Republic. Namibia no longer gets claims on Germany. Added Wilhelm Mnzenberg as a potential leader for a socialist German puppet. Fixed Xinjiang giving industry to a Left Kuomintang that doesnt exist. Fixed a Mittelafrikan national spirit not being removed. Added an annexation mission for Essequibo. Nestor Makhno is now a general for Patagonia. Fixed puppet Afghanistan peacing out with the Dominion of India. Qing can no longer send aid to the Mas in the Northwest conflict, if the former are already involved in the war itself. Greek Monarchy Referendum (expanded current options), Kingdom of Sardinia (expanded current options), Kingdom of Two Sicilies (expanded current options), Afghanistan: Habibullah Kalakani, Mohammad Daoud Khan, Wali Khan, Mohammad Nadir, Albania: Muharrem Bajraktari, Luigj Bumi, Eshref Frashri, Azem Galica, Elez Isufi, Gustav von Myrdacz, Fan Noli, Prenk Pervizi, Shefqet Vrlaci, Armenia: Christophor Araratov, Garegin Nzhdeh, Australasia: John Gregory Crace, John Lavarack, Brudenell White, Bohemia: Radola Gajda, Viktor Hoppe, Eduard Horak, Ludvik Krejci, Karel Kutlvar, Bohumil Ryt, Ludvik Svoboda, Jan Syrov, Brazil: Aliomar Baleeiro, Horta Barbosa, lvaro Botelho, Joaquim Francisco de Assis Brasil, Carlos Coimbra da Luz, Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Pedro III, Joo Mangabeira, Astrojildo Pereira, Jlio Prestes, Getlio Dornelles Vargas, CNT-FAI/Iberian Federation: Dolores Ibrruri Gomes, ngel Pestaa Nuez, East Turkestan: Sabit Damulla Abdulbaki, Isa Alptekin, Timur Beg, German Empire: Kurt von Hammerstein Equord, Wilhelm III (general), Wilhelm Marschall, Alfred Saalwchter, Erwin von Witzleben, Greece: Alexander I, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Korea: Jo So Ang, Kim Hong-il, Lyuh Woon Hyung, Lee Eung Jong, Yi Kang, Kim Koo, Chough Pyungok, Lee Beom Seok, Kim Suk Won, Yi Un, Sohn Won Yil, Kim Wonbong, Pak Hon Yong, Mali: Modibo Keita, Noukoun Kone, Mamby Sidibe, Hamallah bin Muhammad al Tishiti, New Zealand: George Faulkner, Peter Phipps, Ottoman Empire: Hseyin Hsn Paa, Refet Paa, efik Paa, Selahattin Paa, Peru: Manuel Barretos, Gamaliel Churata, Artidoro Aurelio Edmundo Garca Godos Hurtado de Mendoza, Alfredo Gonzalez Prada, Roque Augusto Saldias Maniat, Jos Agustn Haya de la Torre, Russia: Vasily Blyukher, Vladimir Romanov, Anastasy Vonsyatsky, Georgy Zhukov, Sichuan: L Chao, Xiong Kewu, Yang Sen, Deng Xihou, South Africa: Andries Jacob Brink, George Brink, Davidson Don Tengo Jabavu, Hendrik Klopper, Moses Kotane, Walter Madeley, Thabo Mofutsanyana, Dan Pienaar, Evered Poole, Alfred Bitini Xuma, Spain: Alfonso XIII, Damaso Berenguet Fuste, Emilio Luyando, Jaime I, Juan III, Salvador Moreno Hernandez, Leopoldo Saro Marn, Manuel Vierna Belando, Union of Britain: Andrew Browne Cunningham, Ronald Forbes Adam, Giffard Le Quesne Martel, Venezuela: Juan Bautista Fuenmayor, Gustavo Machado Morales, Isaias Medina. The German Empire no longer surrenders after losing West Germany. Canada can now experience strikes triggered by the CSA indefinitely, but each time it is done, its cost is increased by 20PP. The Left Kuomintang now gets a claim on Tawang in the Renounce the McMahon Lines national focus, if they already own the state itself. Fixed Croatias rebellion attempting to spawn troops on states belonging to the Socialist Republic of Italy. Let's see what happens when we randomize all nations between Totalist, Social Democrat, Syndicalist, Autocrat, Pop. Fixed Natal's tree being unlocked before the Boer War begins. New England now inherits USAs techs, rather than Canadas. Moved Hungarian aluminium to states where bauxite deposits are. Added two new national focuses to the Union of Britain, that grant new generals and admirals upon completion. New England: George Aiken, Lewis Barrows, Chester Bowles, Harry Cain, Thomas Dewey, Sheridan Downey, Merritt Edson, Charles Hurley, Warren Magnuson, Joseph Martin Jr., Maurice Tobin, David Walsh, John Winant, Norway: Haakon VII, Einar Gerhardsen, Martin Tranml, Ottoman Empire: Osman FuadPacific States of America: Lewis Brereton, Harry Cain, Joseph Bracken Lee, Warren Magnuson, Clarence Martin, Culbert Olson, Herbert Powell, Felix Stump, Paraguay: Juan Manuel Frutos, Eugenio Garay, Luis Irrazabal, Vicente Machuca, Luis Alberto Riart, Peru: Vctor Ral Haya de la Torre, Alfredo Gonzlez Prada, Sweden: Nils Bjrk, Archibald Douglas, Erik af Edholm, Ukraine: Yevhen Konovalets, Mykhailo Omelianovych Pavlenko, Hnat Stefaniv, United States of America: Daniel Barbey, Dwight Eisenhower, Charles Halleck, Thomas Kinkaid, Al Smith, Robert Taft, Wendell Willkie, West Indies Federation: Grantley Herbert Adams, Solomon Hochoy, Norman Manley, Georges Robert, Joel Augustus Rogers, Victor Severe, Joseph Trounsell Gilbert. Fixed the Princely Federation pulling Japan into a war against the Bharatiya Commune. Shandong should no longer declare war on Anqing when they both have Support of Fengtian, Serbia can no longer buy the HMS Lion without owning a port to put it in, The Neue Reformgruppe will no longer be locked out of their own tree, The South African Federation will no longer focus almost exclusively on its army tree before doing any other focuses. Fixed the rebel side of the Siamese Civil War not inheriting Siam's claims. Countries now leave the Federalist faction if siding with Tang against Chen. Rebalanced Polands Austrian-aligned economy national spirits. Removed most uses of the Bearer of Artillery trait, to be replaced with the KR-specific Artillery Officer trait. Fixed Tuva not being transferred to RUS/SOV when the latter is released. Fixed Ramadan event not firing correctly for Libya. PSA now becomes the USA after winning the war or signing the ceasefire with CSA/TEX. Fixed the Ottomans gaining Kardzhali without Western Thrace when intervening in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed the event for White Ruthenian 1939 elections firing twice. West Indies Federation RadSoc ministers now have the correct ideology. Panama can now peace out with the Entente or Reichspakt if they defeat Costa Rica. Added Zhang Yinwu as a general for Manchu-led Qing. Added economic development decisions for Uruguay. All countries in the region now have head of state and general rosters. Added a new Field Marshal and two new Generals to the Ottoman Empire. Fixed Abdlmecid II staying as leader of Turkey. Fixed Yemens missing leader description for Ali Nassar al-Qadari. Also cut down some consumer goods modifiers and the building slot factor to make the buildup potential less ludicrous. Fixed terrain images being too large when weather modifiers were active in a province. Fixed Germany being able to integrate Switzerland twice. Fixed Poland causing the Third Weltkrieg in the middle of the second. Nepal may now be invited to the Co-Prosperity sphere so long as the RAJ tag does not exist and is not a Japanese puppet. Fixed the American Civil War ceasefire failing, due to a player holding events. Transamur will be given the correct states in their peace deals. Added an event for Legation Cities upon the end of the American Civil War and some flavour events. The result is a more competitive naval build-up over the game, the AI spending less resources buying fuel for an oversized navy in the early game, and a slight performance increase. Fixed Spanish annexations when annexed by different factions. Independent Belgium (foreign policy branch), French Republic (if Germany has fallen before they return to the Mtropole). Bosnia: Avdo Fumo, Dervis Korkut, Mehmed Spaho. Buffed Albanias starting division templates, and unit experience. In the American Union State, Pelley can no longer get the generals of the other participants of the civil war, even if pardoned - they'll refuse to serve him. Fixed the AI losing too much war support from the AI-only mission. The French Republic's splinters now peace out with the Entente if The French Republic capitulates. This offers a range from 0 factories to up to 20% of their civilian factories. Fixed an invalid French division template. Fixed the capitulation of Russia potentially crashing the game. GEA now builds air bases on the correct states. Fixed the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire events not taking a partial Portuguese victory against Mittelafrika in the Bush War into consideration, with regards to Mozambique. Syndicalist SocDems can now use Rally Public Support. Romania is now fully embargoed by Germany after nationalising the oilfields, rather than just receiving a negative trade opinion modifier. Fixed countries not keeping Singapore when releasing Malaya. Split the effects of Japan's Imperial Glory national spirit across the Nanshin-ron and Seishin-ron national focuses. Fixed the West Indies Federation SocLib mechanic firing late into the game, after the second election. Decreased the size of the starting navy for the French Republic, Germany and German East Asia. Bulgarian peace deal with the Ottomans now also gives cores/claims to any Bulgarian subjects. Fixed the tooltips for Authoritarian Democrat parties joining the ruling coalition being the incorrect colour grey. Added a new victory point to Karelia, and adjusted its population. Fixed missing text on a Don Kuban Union / Russia event. Tweaked the effects of the Left Kuomintangs Popular Support national spirits. Fixed the timing of Land Marshal Ungern-Sternbergs' removal. Fixed some missing cores for Alash Orda, and it being released without relevant states. SocDem or SocLib Poland is now less likely to be cooped by SocCons. Changed the leaders for Syndicalist and Totalist Morocco. ws [amount . Von Schleicher now actually forms a Kamarilla in Germany, and replaces an existing party. Added Ma Liang and Jin Yune as generals for Shandong. Fixed the Left Kuomintang being able to puppet Lianguang, mid-civil war. The Volga delta is now marsh terrain, based on a 1935 map. Fixed Boris Romanov not being removed from puppet Germany upon its annexation. Releasing socialist Danubia can now be done even if Austria went status quo. Added an event chain for SocDem PSA to reunite with non-Totalist CSA. Adjusted the stats for some Welsh commanders. Fixed Guan Xiangyang not becoming the leader of puppet socialist Fengtian. Added a decision for Haiti to get some naval experience if they complete the economy tree and the foreign policy tree. Fixed the Raja of Mysore rebelling after he's dead. Fixed Sdwestafrika pulling Germany into a war with South Africa. Fixed duplicated opinion modifiers for several countries. Adjusted the leader descriptions for Argentinas Alvear, Carls and Ramirez. Improved the translation on some Irish abbreviations. Updated the effects of several German East Asian national foci and national spirits, allowing most non-construction related national foci to be completed if capitulated. Kerman state is now pastoral instead of a wasteland. Fixed Carlist Spain declaring war on the French Republic over them seizing Rif during the Spanish Civil War. The French Republic receives a debuff for rushing a war with Germany before they recover from the 2nd Weltkrieg. Updated the game rule names for several countries. Fixed Singapore being able to be integrated into incorrect countries. The player can still join factions manually via the inbuilt Kaiserreich State Transfer Tool. Fixed three Guatemalan political advisors being permanently unavailable. Fixed NatPop puppet Kingdom of Georgia not having a king. Fixed the Ottoman Empire's Assyrian Revolt mission not targeting Basra. Fixed numerous typos, text inconsistencies and overly-long descriptions. Fixed Austrian build slots not taking ownership into account. Fixed Poland trying to restore Sikorski when he isnt there. Fixed Austria having both a core and claim on Burgenland. Yan Xishan no longer tries to defect to Austria. Fixed several event chains involving artists in National France. Fixed Raghib al-Nashashibi being a duplicate character in Syria and the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem. Added a new loading screen quote by Garegin Nzhdeh. Fixed the naming for Yerevan and Batumi being incorrect depending on who controls them. Fixed Serbia losing the Fourth Balkan War if they happened not to call in their allies. Germany-in-Exile now inherits the Germany intelligence agency upgrades. Added improved starting engine technology to German East Asia. Congo no longer starts with generic AutDem or NatPop leaders. Tweaked the national spirit given to participants in the Xinjiang Civil War, to prevent the new supply system causing the war to stall. 1st: add_party_popularity 100 fascism. Fixed Swedens Landsverk manufacturer disappearing when swapped. Japan can no longer core Korea, updating the Korean Autonomy state modifiers accordingly. Norway's Hirden focus now uncompletes the army tree as well. Fixed Anqing being able to perform its decisions to attack southern China, while the League War is still going on. Rebalanced some of the Russian economic national spirits, and removed all consumer goods debuffs from their Head of State and minister traits. Transamur now changes its name to Free Russia, if the rest of Russia becomes a puppet. If you started down the PSF path while in Africa but then elect the radicals into power upon your return to the continent, your research national spirit no longer instantly cancels. Fixed a potential unlinking of the countries involved in the IEDC, and the effect that it gives them. Increased the debuff to the French Republics recruitment in Tunisia. Improved a Mittelafrikan national focus tooltips referring to Congo. Fixed the war declaration decisions for Centroamerica. Reduced the stability gain from Bulgarias Patriarchate national spirit. Fixed puppeted Finland being a kingdom without a king in some cases, Changed the name of puppeted Paternal Autocrat Denmark to lose references to kingdom, Disabled the choice of government for right wing puppet Sweden, Fixed a Norwegian focus relating to Denmark bypassing when Sweden becomes socialist, Fixed an improper event tooltip in Norway, Fixed the UoB getting a request from Norway meant for the CoF, Fixed Dimitriy returning from the dead in Russia, August Uproar in Denmark now fires in August, Oscar Nygren can no longer return from the dead. Fixed the Egyptian Cairo Pact on map area showing up too early. Only Qajar Persia can now claim all of Iraq. German East Asia and Mittelafrika can no longer integrate Austria. Added Nov Zmky as a victory point to the Danubian Lowlands state. Fixed East Turkestan sending officers to train with the Ottomans, while at war with them. Fixed the African Minors focus tree giving the wrong effect from the Afrikakorps national spirit. Fixed Germany starting with cruiser submarines but not the tech. Sardinia may now use the decision to core Piedmont once it is at war with Piedmonts owner, and not solely once they own the state again. The Don-Kuban Union states now start as cores of Russia. Added World News events for a German-Japanese war, MacArthur remaining as president, MacArthur standing aside, a pro-Japan coup in the Fengtian Republic and the Song Zheyuan coup in Shandong. Gave Mongolia, Tibet, Ma Clique, Xinjiang, East Turkestan and Kumul Khanate supply bonuses, to stop their wars from stalling forever. Fixed Denmark keeping an inappropriate national spirit upon being released as a puppet. AI France now no longer annexes the Rhineland, Westminster Declaration news event no longer overflows event response, New design companies for Bohemia and Chile, Added New Polish Endonyms and Renamed Existing ones, Fevzi organizing election will now set the junta popularity to 0, German East Asia AI will no longer attempt suicidal naval invasions on Saigon if it still own ports elsewhere in Vietnam, Major Nordic design companies can now be accessed by SCA as long as they own the capital of its constituent states. Burma no longer tries to annex all of Siam. Once open, type set_ruling_party X. For Jabal Shammar, the Iraqi Camel Corps is now actually composed of camels. Fixed two Finnish generals having the wrong artillery trait. Lithuania now tag-switches to Poland, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is formed. Fengtians railway decisions now better incorporate mechanics from No Step Back. Fixed the Guominjun taking over the Qing dynasty. Countries that start in pro-status quo factions (Donau-Adriabund, Entente, Reichspakt), or anti-status quo factions (Co-Prosperity Sphere, Internationale, Moscow Accord), no longer generate World Tension from joining another faction of the same type. Added some traits to Finlands Heads of State. Nerfed some Germany in Exile national spirits. Fixed socialist puppet Bolivia keeping claim on Patagonian territory. Fixed a bug where the Fourth Balkan War didnt finish correctly in a Bulgarian victory. Added alternate descriptions for the Internationale or Russia joining the Weltkrieg, instead of starting it. Fixed the League of Eight Provinces missions to rescue governors firing after the War of the Five Provinces has ended. South Africa now uses a common military tree. Li Zongrens Lianguang can now only proclaim the Republic of China after completing the Political Tutelage national focus. Adaptation of Waking the Tiger planes for KR. Polands decisions to peace out with the Third Internationale or the Moscow Accord no longer need respective high levels of socialist or nationalist support. Fixed the Legation Cities not being released as MarLib when released by American Civil War participants. Fixed countries not being able to hand over Taiwan or Manchuria to Chinese puppets. Reworked the decisions for reconstruction and coring of Italian states. Slightly buffed several Irish national spirits. Updated AI factors for the conscription laws. Fixed Portugal being locked out of its focus tree if they lost the Bush War. Fixed Yunnan being able to form its own faction when already in one. Changed the Bharatiya Communes short form of its name to Socialist India. Japans starting navy strength has been reduced by 4 battleships and 4 battlecruisers. PBC can now use the Bolivia decision to join the war in the southern cone. Fixed decision to puppet Paraguay when you claimed their territory being available. Fixed Germany's Liquidate Unprofitable Estates national focus targeting the Rhineland instead of Eastern Germany. Fixed expansionist Russia not annexing Galicia & Lodomeria. Fixed Socialist Bulgaria causing a war between the Belgrade Pact and the Third Internationale. Added a description to Russias decision to attack Poland.
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