It would also account for the fact that Meulin has such terrible luck in her romantic life, despite her outstanding ability to bring other couples together. The first few acts of Homestuck center around four 13-year-old children. Most importantly to the story, Gamzee helps Caliborn control his rage and destructive impulses so that he can more effectively bring destruction to others. Aside from her interest in the occult, the character also enjoys knitting and uses her knitting needles as her go-to weapons (strife specibus Needlekind). If something doesn't look like you've seen it before in the comic, it's almost certainly based on the personalities/actions of the characters in the comic with that aspect. Why Is Homestuck? Her astrological sign is Scorpio. The Mage class is most commonly thought to be the active (-) counterpart to Seer, someone that "benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" and "guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]," like how Sollux actively led the surviving trolls away from their doom. Furthermore, the word Maid is a homophone of "made", and when someone has a surplus of something, it is often said that they are "made of" it. This may have been unintentional, as some Kanayas are later seen with the previous sylph clothing. Aradia used time travel to avert doomed timelines, in essence, "repairing the timeline," and Jane repaired her planet, herself, and Karkat's Life. All seen Maids have been female. Sollux has the ability to talk to the recently deceased, who inform him that Alternia will be annihilated. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. Feferi was able to establish an afterlife through dream bubbles, therefore breaking the rules of Life. Tavros entered the Medium disabled with dreams of flying, and had to overcome this (using a rocket car and robotic legs) in order to make any significant impact on the session. Latula's "rad girl gamer" act fits with this pattern as well, as it was noted by Aranea in Openbound 1 that the Knight had lost her sense of smell. Additionally, when asked about the possibility of a female character with the Prince class, Andrew Hussie gave a simple "sure". Act 6 Intermission 3 implies that both non-God Tier and God Tier Seers can use tarot decks to enhance their sight powers. When he did, he was surrounded by a strange purple lightning, which turned red later, and may have been Rage itself considering the purple colours of his god tier robes. However she later states I Am On Record As Once Having Facetiously Likened It To A Magical Witch, casting that into doubt. Two of the Seers can hear the mental commands of the exiles louder and clearer than the other players. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. This "nebulous" actor changes the Homestuck world. I wonder what it means! It may be significant that two Knights have been seen to have problems with other versions of themselves- Dave being creeped out by the "other hims" and Karkat always having arguments with his future and past selves. This is later seen to be definitely true as all known seers have been known to gain information from the experiences of their alternate selves. [HS 14] Tavros' ancestral figure, Rufioh, was inspired by the character Rufio from the 1991 film Hook. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! Master modules are not explained in detail as compared to normal classes which are extremely well explained. Equius used his fists as his main weapon, which can be interpreted as him using nothing (Void) to fight and defend himself. It is possible that these classes are "master classes" in the sense that they are "master copies," or guidelines for what defines active and passive classes. His blood was used to block out information in Rose's tome, and his death can be seen as a pun on his title, as he was killed by being rendered "Void of Air". Dave represented their lack of time. Due to their nature as the destroyer class, it stands to reason that they destroy their aspect in themselves; Dirk describes himself as heartless and Eridan says that there is no hope left when he wants to join Jack, making him hopeless. Your teammate is convinced that their plan is absolutely perfect, while you think it's horrible and stands at least a 90% chance of resulting in one of your deaths. All Knights seen thus far have made a point of concealing their innermost selves- in part because of a physical "imperfection"- where possible. Eridan is shown as an aristocrat with a genocidal superiority complex. A possible speculation into Seer powers would be one who understands [aspect] or one who understands through [aspect] for others, with their active counterpart being the Mage class. Connections to Homestuck. Sollux also is able to sense impending doom through the voices of the dead. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it. In the case of a Rogue/Thief pairing, both classes 'steal', however Rogues do so to help their teammates, and Thieves do so for their own benefit. Roxy also regularly ganked pumpkins from Jake's island (gourds noted as being mostly detached from reality) to help feed the Carapacians in her neighborhood, in-keeping with the "Robin Hood" comparison sometimes attributed to the Rogue class. A large number of LGBT readers have claimed to have been strongly affected by the representation of diverse sexualities and gender identities in the webcomic.[12]. The main characters of Homestuck were all named by fans. Gamzee is a purple-blooded troll with strong ties to his religious faith, referred to as the "Cult of the Mirthful Messiahs". The name Eridan was given by Tenebrais. Her weapon is a set of legendary eight-sided dice, which, depending on what they roll, can cause devastating attacks. Strider's classpect is Prince of Heart. You can see it up ahead when a beefy Prospitian, armed with a pair of brass knuckles and a fancy hat, blocks your path. Aspects. Other characters featured in Homestuck include the nearly-all-powerful antagonist Lord English,[18] and a pair of "diametrically opposed twins living inside the same body" named Calliope and Caliborn. Her astrological sign is Leo. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. She is also able to materialize objects out of thin air by stealing the essence of nothingness from an idea. Hussie also stated that each class only has one syllable in its name. Classes might also have gender alignments, with some being exclusive to a certain gender, and others being assigned to both males and females. The suspenders are identical to the green suspenders from his previous outfit which he pledged to never stop wearing, and Stitch is a good tailor. She is blind and able to visualize the world through her sense of smell and taste. In extreme cases they are single-handedly responsible for their party's massive downfall, their improbable victory, or sometimes even both. It's unclear whether this means Calliope was canonically wrong about gender bias, or if Hussie was simply lifting the restrictions for fan content. Hussie has stated that the passiveness or activeness of a class is determined by multiple factors, and is related to whether the player is a Prospit or Derse dreamer. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! This would directly enact the idea of a page being weak at first but having extreme potential. He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline. He also mentions that the knowledge of offshoot timeline outcomes are fully within their domains. Alternatively, in the Bard/Prince pairing, both classes cause destruction, with Bards bringing about/catalyzing the destruction, and Princes directly destroying. Feferi is the heir apparent for Alternian rulership, which puts her at risk from Her Imperious Condescension, the Empress of Alternia, who would make an attempt on her life if it weren't for her lusus' protection. Also in Collide, a dead Kanaya is shown in a god tier outfit - but the pattern doesn't match Aranea, the other Sylph. Terezi is the troll who guides Dave through the earlier acts of Homestuck. Due to the contextual relation in the name, Pages are speculated to be the counterpart to a Knight (In medieval times, a Page was a sort of apprentice to a Knight; this interpretation of the title's origin more closely aligns with the feudalistic naming scheme of the classes), although it is debated whether they are the Active or Passive counterpart. Maryam is a reference to the Arabic form of Mary. [HS 26] Her classpect is Witch of Life. The exact powers of a Knight are unknown, but it has been described by Aradia as warriors that exploit their aspect as a weapon. [HS 21] Despite his thorough belief in the hemospectrum, he has a borderline fetishistic adoration for Aradia Megido, who is of the lowest caste. She has a great interest in fashion, and is thematically strongly influenced by the Virgin Mary, taking on a motherly role towards the other trolls, particularly Karkat. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii homestuck class personalities. He claims he has a strong desire to kill all land-dwelling trolls and had commissioned a doomsday device from Vriska to that effect, but he never acts on any of this. Eridan can also be viewed in this way, as he forcefully destroyed Hope in his destruction of the Matriorb and killing members of the troll group, but in so doing forced them out of the lingering depression and inertia caused by their failures in creating the B1 universe and the unleashed dog-Jack killing their dream-selves. His astrological sign is Aquarius. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Page outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. Throughout most of his life and most of the game, he allowed his rage (his calling as grand highblood) to be destroyed by consuming his sopor slime which left him docile and harmless. The Thief and Rogue class pairing are active (-) and passive (+) respectively. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. The Prince's powers seem to include, (aside from their obvious abilities to channel their aspect to destroy, or simply destroy their aspect outright) phenomenal offensive abilities: If the pre-scratch version of Dave's bro is any indication, Dirk is also an incredibly strong fighter. But before you know it, an incredibly contrived situation unfolds before you! [5] Homestuck trolls are by default bi- or pansexual; this normalization has been described by a fan as "incredible for all the bi and gay kids out there seeing loads of couples that don't think twice about how they're dating somebody of the same gender of themselves. Hussie invented an alien species, called trolls, that have a unique culture. Dirk later confirms that the hood does indeed have some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it. It should be noted that, in a somewhat related circumstance, the god tier outfit of the Bard class comes standard with a clown-like form better suiting a jester and massive codpiece, which is a highly likely reference to Bard Quest's Hull of the Flagship codpiece. Q11: You're traveling your planet, searching for your second gate. "[5] She is Equius' moirail, or pacifying platonic soulmate, and has a crush on Karkat. John, the Heir of Breath, receives a sort of freedom from the storyline and a disconnection from reality when he is affected by Lord English's "treasure", and Mituna receives a kind of doom when he loses part of his sanity. Later on he allows his Rage to be destroyed by Karkat and sets a trap for Terezi that, by inspiring Rage against Vriska, invites her to commit destruction. The exact definition of the Page class is currently unknown, as is its passive/active alignment, though it is hinted that the class "provides others with [aspect]" or "creates [aspect]" as seen here. Karkat tried to protect his team through his leadership; for example: Gamzee and Eridan in their rampages; and in pacifying Gamzee. In this way, the reader experiences Homestuck's narrative through the experiences of various characters. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. His classpect is Knight of Blood. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. [citation needed] Her classpect is Rogue of Heart. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. Gamzee, as the Bard of Rage, could enter some sort of berserk mode, causing deep fear in everyone around and becoming exceptionally strong. It shares this quality with the Heir, Rogue and Maid outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. Sollux is a gold-blood, a caste known for great psychic power. Calliope has stated that Caliborn "prevails throUgh the simple inertia of inevitability that has always been on his side, as a lord of time." Q4: You're bored of browsing the internet constantly, and in a fit of inspiration decide to make a video game instead, learning how to code, make art, and compose music along the way, if necessary. Of the remaining 10 classes, 5 are known to be non-gender-specific (Knight, Rogue, Thief, Seer, and Mage) - though some appear more commonly amongst a certain gender, (The Thief and Rogue pairing is typically - though not exclUsively - assigned to female players) - the remaining 5 having been only assigned to a single gender in canon, but not confirmed as being gender-exclusive (Heir, Page, Sylph, Maid, and Witch). You only have enough time to save one of them. Known Sylphs are Kanaya Maryam, the Sylph of Space; and Aranea Serket, the Sylph of Light.
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