Since a vitamin B-12 deficiency can promote memory loss, it is often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease. [06], Systemic infections, including UTIs, pneumonia, HIV, Lyme disease, and COVID-19, have all been linked to cognitive decline in aging adults.[07,08]. Other dementia disorders are: Dementia is a common concern in geriatric care as aging is one of the risk factors for developing a brain disorder that falls under this umbrella term. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Causes including those that can be reversed are: Here are some of the medical conditions that mimic dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging. [04]Acetylcholine naturally decreases during the aging process, so anticholinergic medications are especially dangerous for an elderly persons cognitive health. Reversible causes of memory loss It's important to remember that memory loss doesn't automatically mean that you have dementia. Celiac disease or IBD. According to the Harvard Special Health Report Living Better, Living Longer: Taking steps now to ensure a happier, healthier future, a small percentage of dementia cases may be reversible dementia if treatment begins before permanent brain damage occurs. Not to be confused with hepatic encephalopathy, which is impaired brain function due to an alcohol-damaged liver--- too damaged to process the ammonia that a normal persons body can go through. If youre caring for a loved one with dementia at home, consider exploring AgingCares online support group for caregivers for helpful tips and advice. This Common Condition Can Easily Be Mistaken for Dementia, Experts Say. Wernicke's encephalopathy is a health condition encountered in patients who lack a certain substance called thiamine. They are more likely to have a urinary catheter which predisposes them to a urinary tract infection. A thorough clinical evaluation is necessary to determine whether someone has dementia or not. While this patient did not have CJD, they did have celiac disease with dementia as a result. Dementia: A person's level of alertness is typically not affected until the late stages of Alzheimer's, whereas memory is significantly affected throughout the disease. Depression, nutritional deficiencies, side-effects from medications and emotional distress can all cause symptoms that can be mistaken for early signs of dementia. The symptoms include psychosis, disorientation, memory loss, and confusion. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the better. Thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a cause of reversible cognitive impairment and as such, the thyroid stimulating hormone has long been part of the screening laboratory test for dementia. These tests can diagnose the issue, pinpoint where their symptoms are coming from, and provide solutions such as prescriptions for eye glasses or hearing aids. Identifying Reversible Conditions Mistaken For Dementia Written by Randell S. in Health & Care, Alzheimers & Dementia Last Updated December 27, 2022 Dementia is often marked by depression, confusion, and memory loss. Mayo clinic gastroenterologist and celiac disease expert Joseph Murray, MD, says he was surprised that the link was so strong. Your blog is one of the best Ive read, do well researched and informative. Problems that can cause delirium include: pain. Food allergies She enjoys writing fiction on the side when shes not tending to her plants and three pet turtles. It could be an early sign of Alzheimer'sor it could lead to a misdiagnosis. Did you know that older women who live in areas where air pollution is worse are 92% more likely to develop dementia than those who live in areas with cleaner air, according to a 2017 study. Surgeons have set up a one-stop clinic to treat patients with a condition often mistaken for Alzheimer's disease. Alcohol-Induced Dementia: Decay Symptoms, Stages and Treatment Other symptoms of a vitamin deficiency include diarrhea, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, and impaired vision. unlike true dementia, these symptoms may be reversible with treatment for depression," according to VeryWell Health. Some of these symptoms include balance problems, fatigue, and impaired thinking and reasoning. One theory is that the immune response to celiac disease attacks the brain. Your email address will not be published. What reversible condition could be mistaken for dementia? More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia, with a small percentage of dementias that are reversible. Is dementia reversible? Definitions, research, and treatment While dementia develops over months or years, those with delirium typically develop symptoms rapidly. Causes a deficiency in vitamin B1, which plays a critical role in brain function. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. What early signs of dementia? Explained by Sharing Culture However, the reality is that the lines blur when we discuss persistent delirium or reversible dementia and one may be mistaken for the other. Atterton, B., Paulino, M. C., Povoa, P., & Martin-Loeches, I. Who hasnt lost a train of thought every once in a while? A standardized blood test can check for this immune response and is diagnosed in a small percentage of people. This yeast is mostly harmless, but in many people, it can grow out of control, causing a wide range of health issues including thrush (yeast infection in mouth), vaginal yeast infections, bladder infections, toenail fungus, brain fog and confusion. If your loved one has been showing dementia-like symptoms, schedule an appointment with their doctor. Pharmaceutical medications include Nystatin which is more gentle to the system, or fluconazole (Diflucan). However, not everyone who has depression will develop dementia, and vice versa. most common potentially reversible dementia-like condition, Difficulty speaking and understanding thoughts, Inability to perform activities of daily living, Serologic tests for syphilis (or similar). But not all people with memory problems have Alzheimer's. Other causes for memory problems can include aging, medical conditions, emotional problems, mild cognitive impairment, or another type of dementia. even if the test for celiac disease is negative. Some of the natural solutions to candida overgrowth include oregano extract capsules, pau darco tea or capsules, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, curcumin, kombucha tea, probiotics and garlic extract. Sores in mouth or on tongue difficulty speaking and communicating The gradual progression of hypothyroidism can make it hard to distinguish from primary dementia. Reversible Conditions Mistaken For Dementia. If youve ever forgotten where you parked your car, lost your keys in your own house, or walked into a room and forgot why you went there, you are not alone. Kuswardhani RAT, Sugi YS. For years my thyroid test (TSH) came back normal. Other symptoms of dementia of various types include: short-term memory loss Head trauma can even be life threatening, so its important to take aggressive steps to care for any head injury until dementia symptoms eventually dissipate. Toxic mold based illness is actually a very common, but un-diagnosed condition that can show up in many different ways, including serious brain fog, confusion, memory loss and even depression/anxiety. Depression, nutritional deficiencies, side-effects from medications and emotional distresscan all produce symptoms that can be mistaken as early signs of dementia, such as communication and memory difficulties and behavioural changes. One out of 8 participants were deficient in B12 and one in 7 deficient in folate, with deficiencies increasing with age. Senior Living Frequently Asked Questions About Housing Options. Can dementia reverse? Take your loved one to the doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms. Dont be surprised when they request tests for sexually transmitted diseases-- as there is a number that can lay quiet for several years before spouting up neurologic symptoms. If you think your loved one is experiencing dementia symptoms due to one of the conditions above, talk to their doctor. The Mayo Clinic lists similar symptoms between Alzheimer's disease and . Could changes in thinking skills be reversible dementia? Toxic mold actually gives off volatile toxic vapors that float around in the air causing a chronic inflammatory response. Anti-Anxiety Medications The areas affected and the underlying cause can differ from that of Alzheimers. Its a disorder caused by complex brain changes. Infections that are left untreated can spread to the kidneys and beyond, and can be life-threatening. 4 medical issues that could be mistaken for Alzheimer's disease 31(2), 71-78. Other causes include normal pressure hydrocephalus, neoplasms, metabolic disorders, trauma, medications and infections. The material of this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Is Dementia Reversible? | Homewatch CareGivers A doctor can then help identify the cause of their delirium and recommend treatment. Often, these include memory loss, where they forget something that was said recently. A neurologist must perform brain imaging, blood and urine tests, and psychological assessments, among others, to rule out diseases whose symptoms intersect with the common signs of dementia. What is a reversible condition which could be mistaken for dementia? But cognitive decline can . In fact, most research on B vitamins shows that they actually should be taken at levels well above the current dietary recommendations. Worth noting is that depression can be one of the signs of dementia. [Updated 2021 Aug 11]. What's Causing Your Memory Loss? - NPH is a neurological disorder marked by impaired bladder control, walking abnormalities, and dementia-like symptoms (e.g., lack of attention and focus, loss of motor control, and loss of complex cognitive function). Depending on their location, brain tumors can affect cognitive function and cause confusion, memory loss, and changes in personality. This issort ofreversible as the cognitive impairment can be remedied by supporting the clearance of ammonia. They may get lost in places that used to be very familiar to them. Dr. Amanda Cheong spent her formative medical years within the walls of the Philippine General Hospital, a high-volume tertiary institution built to serve the underserved. Delirium - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | Alzheimer's Society Light, continuous bruising or bleeding on the brain can also lead to dementia. Candida albicans is a common species of a type of fungus that grows naturally in the human gut, mouth, and vagina. In some cases, a CT scan might even be done. Is it something Im taking? Medications that can mimic dementia. Five Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Dementia How to find clinical trials for Alzheimer's? Sepsis associated delirium. Indeed, several things can look like dementia. And for these tests, its best not to coach them so the healthcare provider can get a clear picture of how things are. The former is a condition where the thyroid gland produces low levels of thyroid hormones, while the latter shows excessive thyroid hormone levels. It's Not Necessarily Alzheimer's More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia, and a small percentage of dementias are reversible. People who possess the MTHFR gene variant (present in 50-70% of population), or who have Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, or problems with their gut microbiome may also be susceptible to B vitamin deficiencies, especially B12 and B9 (folate). My husband has Alzheimer's. With depression, however, it is possible to reverse the condition through regular exercise, medication, stress-reduction techniques like prayer, yoga, and medication, as well as cognitive therapy. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia and is more prevalent among older people. Other hormone-related conditions that can cause dementia-like symptoms include hypopituitarism (underactive pituitary gland), porphyria (lack of haem, an iron-containing compound), and Cushings syndrome (too much cortisol hormones). Participants taking the anti-cholinergic drugs also tested worst on memory tests. People with thyroid problems can also experience brain fog and decreased concentration. Aging people are especially at risk of poor metabolism of B vitamins, especially B12. 1 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus WIN-Initiative / Neleman / Getty Images Commonly referred to as "water on the brain," normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a condition where extra spinal fluid gets trapped in the brain instead of traveling through the brain and to the spinal column. Depression and dementia are both common in later years, and each can lead to the other, according to Harvard Health Publishing. (Serving water to her father in a shot glass seemed to work, Goyer says.) For every ONE case of celiac disease diagnosed, 6.4 cases of gluten intolerance remain undiagnosedmany with NO obvious GI symptoms at all. A reversible condition which COULD BE mistaken for dementia is A. Depression B. When allergy season strikes, there are healthy alternatives to allergy medications. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a condition in which an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid occurs in the brains cavities. Brain and Nerve. The following symptoms are considered hallmarks of normal pressure hydrocephalus: Difficulty walking that's sometimes compared to the way a person walks "on a boat," with the body bent forward, legs held wide apart and feet moving as if they're "glued to the deck." Mild dementia that involves loss of interest in daily activities . Commonly prescribed medications may cause symptoms that mimic dementia. Among the different infections, 55% had pneumonia and 27% had urinary tract infections. Cloudy or even pink or brown colored urine Whereas delirium is considered an acute confusional state that comes and goes, often starting just a few days or weeks ago. However, the presence of dementia-like symptoms doesnt necessarily equal a dementia diagnosis. If necessary, a doctor may be able to reduce, replace, or eliminate certain medications in order to help reverse dementia-like symptoms. As we age, the liver becomes less efficient at metabolizing toxins and drugs, and the body has a harder time getting rid of these potentially harmful products. Normal pressure hydrocephalus. When cases are mild, they can be managed with an ER visit or a short hospital stay. And, people who take medication for stomach acid reduction are at very high risk for a B12 deficiency. However, there is another condition known to cause similar symptoms. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Dementia Praecox was the type of dementia that involved brain lesions post mortem. Depression is a common reversible dementia condition. If your loved one has reversible dementia-like conditions, the symptoms can go away, or at least be stabilized, once the cause is determined and addressed. You might find them in the middle of a task, having forgotten what they were doing just then. Thank you for caring about our good health and leading by example. With this procedure, dementia can be controlled or reversed. Low thyroid also causes low levels of essential brain chemicals such as dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline, which have been associated with poor brain health and issues such as dementia, depression, and even Parkinsons disease. If you search out dementia online, youre likely to find that it is characterized by a persistent and progressive deterioration of cognitive function.[1]Persistent and progressive. Mold toxicity can manifest with so many different and diverse symptoms, that it is frequently misdiagnosed. Delirium refers to a neurocognitive condition where a person becomes confused and cannot fully make sense of their environment.
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