Am I wasting my time? is it a vape pen or thc i've been wondering bc the juice is dark brown.100 unit . Where & how do I stop myself messaging? 1. He tells me he misses me and how i was his high school love. Hi I ran across your site on the web. Nothing longto say hello? I have been texting with a guy I met online for just about 3 months now. Stopped talking so negatively to myself. I feel so hurt but I still could control my feelings and never confront him yet.PS( when I tried to end the things , he did not want and he said he still wanted to keep in touch and talk to me). Like I say in my article, simply texting (and even just phone calls) dont mean much. Alternatively, you can set the date and time to count till (or from) the event. Have a wonderful night he reached out to say he had fun . I gave him the benefit of the doubt due to the fact he had two jobs and kids were out of town during the holiday season so trying to schedule a date was difficult. I just dont know if his actions are those of someone who is like the guy you mentioned wanting to keep me on his line for the sake of his ego or if I should give him a nudge now that his schedule has opened up and just ask him again to go on a 2nd date hoping hell say yes. And they also have tons of options. Ever since then we have been texting almost everyday for the past two 1/2 weeks. Best, Bp. But i would just like to know at which point do we actually start dating? Promises dont count. I was kind of hurt and embarrassed why he said that when all I did was show my concern to him. Plus why didnt he want a 2nd date? Bp, We have been on several dates from Aug til Sept i didnt see him at all in Oct he has never been to my home and he dosent know where i live and i have never been to his home we meet somewhere and i get in the car with him and we go hang out i dont have tight schedule and he kinder do to we text back and forth daily the day and talk late night on the phone for hours when i try to flirt with him blow me off and i ll to ask him a personal question he will answer it but wont ask me back the question ill give him the answer but sometime im weary about if he really looking for a relationship or just a friendship he never ask me where i live but he does tell me how he appreciate me listening to him at time his text have been pretty dry. Hugs, Bp. I started texting a guy I met on the a dating site on Facebook. He is very intelligent, I was totally myself and actually vulnerable he ate it up and I felt great! You want to hear something strange about me and what I was which explains a lot of guys? Just like texting, its not a way to get to know someone. How tired he is, that he is having health issues from the lack of sleep. so I gave up. I feel defeated again! when I replied he started becoming distant again. He went on vacay and told me he'd be bringing me back a gift. We havent even been out yet and hes already stating expectations. I did not reply to him immediately. We hit it off right away. Lots of reasons you may be holding on but you know the answer: You shouldnt be! Who sends a text like that after standing someone up? These really nice Gus you meet on apps and at the end they are Fake, Moni, there are definitely fake people online (both men and women) but most are not. Doesnt matter if he notices. In person he seems really interested. After this conversation I stopped texting him, and then after exactly a week from our last conversation he texted me. To me this is very strange but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. i feel i cant just drop it (like stopping answering him for example) i keep my expectations low because i cant see him and our only way of communicating so far is texting. Thank you for reminding me AGAIN about texting etiquette. Maybe youre talking about 25-year-olds? I actually was not all that into him but still a letdown and felt like he wasted my time by expressing strong interest for months. Press J to jump to the feed. I waited until 7pm the next day when I still hadnt heard anything I finally texted him and told him what I was up to that evening and thanked him again for the lovely date. Should I reply? I know he was somewhat inebriated when we were talking. Hugged her again and really cant stop thinking about her. I have an odd situation. I met a guy at a friends party. Advice please, Hell yes ask him directly, Julie. We chat almost everyday and I know he is busy and so am I, but I wish it could go futher. His job can be dangerous so i left it and left it and then sent him a text saying hope all is ok?..i hear nothing for 3 days. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is not the best approach when you are trying to develop a relationship with a man. His mom still lives in my town. Any thoughts would be much appreciated! He was really sweet. He think I dont trust him. After about 40 or so messages a phone number was exchanged. (with an occasional phone call with no mention of an actual date, just a possible see you sometime soon?) Perspective. I asked him about it I asked him why he had so many profiles on facebook. I missed that in your first message. Youre right: its going nowhere. Read, no reply it shouldnt but it hurt. If youre looking for a love, Run. Weve all been there. This sound like a very very textbook scam please dont respond as this will let him have your email address and you will be at risk of being sent a virus or worse Sign in below with your name and best email: Subscribe With Confidence -No Spam Email Policies, I have enjoyed reading your words and found them very helpful in finding myself with guys. I said you have something else to do he said yes my mom, cleaning, food shopping. So we met up for coffee one evening and talked for hours. So what do you think. This is a throwaway account. Then wonders why one day I don't make first contact and by evening we haven't talked, and think i'm mad at her. We still texting, but hes still on line looking around . So you ask him to text you which you should have asked him to call. He works during a day and thats only when i can meet. Or maybe he is a liar? We dont live really close but bave both said we would drive to see the other. He has taken time to his office, to the park where he runs. If youre spending weekends together and hes not super avaiable during the week it could be because hes BUSY. Bp. He wanted to meet up in New York in December since hell be going there. Since then we message almost everyday but its like pulling teeth to get him to spend time with me in person. That the time (after 6 weeks of texting) when I send my boundries text. I am stupid. Its been 2 days of some texting, he asked me out again this week on a date. This isnt the 1950s when you couldnt call a man. Heres a weird one. Absolutely text him in between. Our messages were really organic and a bit flirty, and we exchanged lots of selfies (normal pix, nothing more). Were both grown adults (35/37) who enjoy each others company when were together so I dont understand why he is being this wayas a woman it does make me feel a bit insecure, like hes losing interest, or maybe he feels like he doesnt have to make an effort anymoreI dont know if I might just be over analyzing things since I am starting to develop stronger feelings for him and Im afraid he might be drifting apart. Bp, I understand about texting and preferring verbal contact. But he is incredibly busy w work and doesn't text me every day. You take it or leave it. Long story short, he called it off as I wanted more than dinner drinks and a shag which was all I required at the time as was going through divorce. Still waiting for his text though, Im sure Julie you jumped the gun and by now, he has already texted you back. This man has texted the sweetest things, but, given we live 1 hour and 20 minutes apart, I would think hed want to call once in a while. How are you doing? We had so much in common, so much to talk about, and an incredible connection. If he keeps testing and ignores your request, it tells you something about him, right? We spent two months together to be exact. I would absolutely love to do it again (upping the ante with guns of course )! I know guys arent big texters, but I dont think its asking too much for a Good Morning text or ANYTHING before 7:30 in the evening. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. TMR339 10 mo. Bp. They have to make a big effort to meet up and want some sort of assurance that its going to pay off. Weve had phone & video calls as well. Much thanks in advance! It feels so confusing about the right and wrong way. His last message was super thoughtful and . In my teens and twenties, I loved, and I loved hard. His response was unbelievably appreciative and thoughtful, calling me Wonder Woman, Super Woman and a beautiful human. Thanks for the texting information, just what I needed. You attract what you are, so start believing in something great. He told me he didnt mean to be rude. Hes actually the neighbor of a good friend of mine Ive known for 20 years, who endorsed him and his family as good people. The best thing you can do to get information is to ask for it. Xo.. Hugs. And dont like the way he canceled the supposed date. I met a guy on a dating app. Then text goodnight, good morning, had a great time, etc. If you didn't say it back or make it clear to him how YOU felt - he could feel rejected and hurt and disappear to gather his feelings and figure out how to get over it. He said yes he was very interested. Every single time we try to have text discussions they end up with him calling me name or telling me to eff off or accusing me of having other people in my life or not loving him etc. If we wanted to genuinely meet me, then he should invest the time, or else, Ill pass (I said all those things nicely and with diplomacy)! He texts immediately, as usual. Please just live your life and dont give a bunch of texting any more meaning that it deserves. Yep. I am sick of the texting and l ferl that if he is interested, why not call me every day if there is no one in his life. Last week he told me he wanted to get to know me better and has now flaked on our plans. Still nothing. Dont go overboard, in other words. Hi, Ive been messaging this guy I met online for 3 weeks now. Next! I would LOVE to hear your texting stories and answer your questions about how to make it work for you whiledating or in your relationship. He said hes busy for the entire month that got me abit wary. I asked how he felt about the first date and we made plans for the 2nd about a week after our 1st date. Hes been very sweet and romantic and shared some painful stuff with me. He was just a bit forward, according to him. We connected beautifully and a very wonderful communication ensued. He was busy, in between two trips, but let me choose the day I want to get together again. i was like eh whatever. We still wanted to meet in person and now that Ive thrown it out there he has not replied. Why would you do that? I know looking back I should have added a bit more enthusiasm to my text, but I think chasing it up wouldnt look great at this point. And please dont just hook up with a dude you just met, okay? He always initiates conversation whether he text last or not and calls me( I never initiate convo because Im to confused). I always hope for the best. Oh, and one more thing: I kinda agree with you about phone calls. I never invited him in as Im divorced but my husband lives in the house still so I cant! We met and he drove, I got a taxi. Not setting clear boundaries?Im not saying its your fault. Just that there may be things you can tweak to help you meet more grownup men. He couldnt call but would love to hear my voice (but in fact did not call until now thats 4 days ago). nothing. Until then, dont make assumptions, ok? I like to keep this dating game with him but am I missing something? He was married for a long time and has been separated a year. Until one day, I was worried about him getting sick so I told him to take care of his health. Bp, I met up with a guy through an online app and we hit it off pretty well. You have to go on all you know, which is that he stopped being in touch. 555-1212., Thanks for getting in touch. I have 2 men this week who called me. Didnt notice me anymore. He is 57 and I am 55, until now I dont know if I believe him, but once he called spend 1 to 2 hours just talking everyday 2 times a day. Bp, What does it mean after 14 years hes always on his phone and he keeps it licked and hes on porn sites and dsting sites porn sites dont bother me wr use to watch tjem together, it means that he has secrets and that you ask yourself why you are staying with a man you cant trust. I mean, I KNOW youve been thinking about me! Please help! Scheduled to meet last Tuesday and literally had a cancel minutes before due to actual tornado and bad roads. But if someone is still is not responding at the end of the day or even early the next day, take a beat before moving forward. Dont worry about being aggressive. Id love it if you could also call me while youre on the road. He's Bored 5. So many times I wanted to share all the fabulous things I was doing with my life. Should I give out my address. Its whenever were not that makes me nervous.. He told me that it was because he had set those profiles up and then after setting them up a few days later they would lock him out and he couldnt enter them again therefore he had to create other profiles. I was in agreement and shared the sentiment. After a month, in May, we moved onto messaging in Watsapp, have been chatting daily here and there as due to time difference (hes 4hrs ahead of where I am). I have no idea what hes thinking. Hes not looking for the same thing you are. Texting with your crush is the best, isn't it? Bp. Grow up. I told you why in the article. Move on! And how about talking on the phone? Ive been texting this guy I met online since July. Right I have a bit of a twister for you Hi CH. I was surprised and suspicious that I left such an impression and asked how come he came back to me. I have pulled back from texts and he has started to step up. xx, Lottie if you read my articel you know the answer, girlfriend. Easy, get a free service like Google Voice. You are not getting to know him and you wont until you meet him. Then his messages drop off a little and after I returned from travelling away I said I hoped to meet him that weekend. I started to like him but still had no real expectations and took it easy. I met this guy the first time back to July. Then over Christmas weekend he disappeared, which is fine as he was with his family and Im with mine, although my children are with their father this year so I was looking forward to hearing from the guy. Go by how hes actingdisregarding texts. Press J to jump to the feed. The texting went on. His father had passed away when were young- I know this is something he appreciates. Move on to a man who is available and interested, ok? The jerks will fall by the wayside. He saw me at the hair salon, and asked my hairdresser who I was. But Im glad to answer you here. texts decreased. An impression I certainly didnt give. This is your biggest clue he doesn't want to date. Like I say in the article: thats not a relationship. Doesnt really matter whats going on with him. we met a few days later, had a great first date, made plans to see one another the following weekend. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Give him space and support. The next day i dont hear anything. Once he was traveling for 2 weeks for work and told me the exact day he will be back but didnt text while out of state , I texted him he replies but always a little late. Too much interaction too soon can set expectations too high. I hope hes not what you described above as a pinger and leading me on. 4. Now its Saturday, and since I dont know of the details and since we agreed to do something, I wanted to know what the pick-up meet time is. We ended up spending the night together and in the morning he said hed reach out when he was back from his trip. Because thats how men decide if they like you. I've heard enough . When I have tried to move him into meeting or even a phone call he disappears only to reappear the next morning with a good morning beautiful and a couple emojis..and I fall excitedly for him all over again. Met a guy years ago at a house party he hosted. Now I am still wondering. But I was going through my email account and came across his friends request a few months later and I got curious so I finally accepted his friends request. HI Tallgirl. I think you know the answer, Mary. He may be hanging back because hes not sure youre interested. If he doesnt call you, just move on. Great advice. Way to go, Deb. A co-workers friend asked for my number and I agreed. Because, again, texting and chatting online is not really connecting. I thought we clicked but the next day he never texted, that night he posted on Facebook his cell stopped working and thats why he couldnt contact anyone But today I messaged him a happy new year, he replied it back but thats it No personal message. He has never said how pretty you are ornot even no compliments . I love the pic! There's an entire section just on that alone AND in the final chapter you get 49 VERY Specific situations or circumstances of why a guy might have stopped contacting you (you're bound to find a definitive answer there) PLUS you get an entire section dedicated to helping you figure out if it was something you did or if it in fact all HIM - giving you every reasons to just do your best to move on. I couldnt believe that I am receiving all those compliment. Ask him if he would be willing to figure out with you how that might work. And more important and relevant to your "probable" circumstance TWO: You can not build a firm and solid connection with a man by merely sending text messages back and forth. Thank you for leaving a comment. Im turning 60 few weeks! Yes, sometimes an online relationship is meaningless, but not always. Am I making a mistake by not texting her now or making a good decision? We had a great first date and he remembered the candy I like and brought that to the movie we saw. How did he go from interest to not caring so easily? Then the next day I didnt hear from him at all. 3. Im not sure what article you read because I didnt really say all that, Candee. 5. I look forward to it, pretty sure you and i could make hanging out in a paper bag fun ;-)! Good to know. he constantly waning to borrow money. He works Long hours I might see him 2 or 3 times in a month Hook up. But the good thing is that's not necessarily true. Not if you just keep texting. It's completely natural to want to take a friendship to the next level and hang out in person. He tries to learn about you and your life. Hes married or 15 years old orwho knows. See what happens. You are seeing spending weekends together, meeting each others familiesand since you live so far apart this is a perfect way to say youre thinking about one another, maybe do a little flirting, etc. Id ask him by calling not texting. He told her about his crappy day at work. I felt real connection with him, but I found out he is texting the other girls often. Decide whether you want to get to know him better. Did they get a new job? We had sex that night, but we already had covered the sex talk in one of our long endless conversations. whos Lauren? Bp. We flirt a lot and talk about everyday things and the future like he said he hopes he would get an invite to my birthday party which is in a couple of months, we got onto the topic of going out and he was saying how he couldn't do sex with no strings.. Then drops things on me like Im such an inspiration and that no one knows him like I do. I reach out to her after getting back and it worked out that she had her kids away one day during the week. Is he actually interested and just afraid, or is he playing? Many thanks. Ill be in touch??? Also, theres nothing that says you cant keep him in your life and still date other men. Should i move on or should i make one last try to contact him again? He used texting to avoid full attachment and bolted. Thats what Im telling you. He didt respond to your requestyou should have let it go. Why is it so hard to walk away? I will not put my eggs in 1 basket, till he makes an effort. He moved away to go to attend some schooling and I did not see him very much during that time. Then I discovered that he hided some posts and one album on Facebook then I couldnt see it anymore. So judge anything based on the calls or video calls. I recently met someone online and have been dirty texting and also been trying to get to know each other. Both of us are middle-aged, and recently divorced. Nevertheless, I ended this. But never has time to date I. Because I think Im clear the way I act that I like him somewhat . More than that we end up doing and saying things we regret. We still never made a relationship out of it because he was unemployed he said he thought of himself as a bum and apologized to me. Hes just moved on, which is exactly what you need to do. Learn more about him. He texts me and calls occasionally. but he can only say for sure if he likes her girl by meeting her After that i decided to take the leap and ask him when hes free and ill clear my schedule. A few days later, he texted me asking my plans for NYE, and I said nothing solid (this was a Weds, so an acceptable amt of time before the day he mentioned us going out). Hi, Have a question You arent dating him (like this post explains). Never date just one guy always date 2 or more and never tell them you are dating more. He was clear that he was trying to get back on track with finances (things incurred with the ex), working on a very big change happening at work, and wanting to see his mother, he was also in a car accident that totaled his vehicle. Dont waste your time with him if hes not making moves to meet you. We are very different culturally so the time together was a little strained but we really connected on the phone so I stayed open chucking it up to nerves. He sent me a friend request on facebook and he sends me private messages daily. Fear of commitment/fear of pain (especially if engaging with you triggers those emotions that remind him of a past failed relationship). I told him alone and he said i should not be going alone. I then said I had to get off as I was expecting another call. We have been on one date for lunch about a year ago. Feel it. Hey thanks so much for the level-headed advice! He let me know then and there he didnt would not get into a conversation via text messaging. Bp, I need help so I have been seeing this Guy for months ok. And you wont either until you ask him. He is also going through a divorce. After about 6-7 weeks, he started initiating a conversation with me and i responded normally. He said he didnt mean we sleep together, sorry he made a mistake and wished me well. As much as some of us would like to dial dating back into the 1990s, texting and other forms of e-communication are now part of the dating landscape. And perhaps he, too, is texting friends?
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