More than 100,000 cattle were confirmed infected. He remained in place silently. He laughed again, louder this time. He was only a blurred shape now, but Akaashi knew he was still there. "This is Akaashi. Mentally, he was more than ready to spike, but not so much physically. Akaashi laced his fingers together and dug his nails into the backs of his hands. ", "Well if you've watched it seven times then why not watch it an eighth time? He stared at his knees intensely before Kenma spoke up. He placed it on the counter near his bedside and buried himself into the blanket that he had so openly shared with Bokuto. He looked up, gazed at Akaashi past his bleached blonde bangs, and straightened his back in the slightest way possible. Staring down wide-eyed at the floor of the hospital room, Bokuto fought to find words. "We're going back to the hospital right now. If you wanna. Confused, Bokuto glanced over at him. Bokuto's voice was soft, measly, and carried no force to it. btw, HERES THE DISCORD SERVER!! This story is a heart wrenching major character death story. He spoke to Akaashi as if he hadn't had a friend to text in years. Obeying with hesitance, Bokuto shifted towards Akaashi and lay against him, fitting into the curve of his arm. "Ah. With this, he raised a quivering hand and his index finger. Bokuto flinched hard enough to make the bed shake. He had so many things he'd wanted to do with him, so many things he'd wanted to say, but all of those things seemed to have fallen away once the moment had finally come. He took his time, the thought of removing it killing him faster than the disease itself. "You were out for about an hour.". A subtle, gentle sound. Akaashi pressed play, and a video of Kuroo started to play. He figured he would tell his parents that the people in the hospital were too occupied with everything else to tend to him. Kuroo made a grunting noise and had nothing more to say on the subject. He wears a white shirt and blue trousers, and is also seen wearing pyjamas in the movie when it is his bedtime. He didn't get a response, nor did he see any signs of responding. Bokuto was elated. He was trying everything he could to psych himself into doing at least something to let Bokuto know that he was there for him. He expected to hear a whine of resistance from him, but instead received nothing. He couldn't sleep because of his honest fascination with him. "Could you please toss to me some more?". Akaashi sat in bed, laptop in his lap, as his fingers scrolled and typed frantically. This time, Bokuto directed his attention to Akaashi. He reached a hand out and took Bokuto's hand in his own. So he stayed in place, holding onto Bokuto, taking in his company for one last time before he'd never see him again. Verffentlicht am 1. by hatsumix. His breathing was heavy, his heart rate quicker than usual; Akaashi could feel his heart pounding in his throat, making it difficult to swallow. It's a long movie, and I've watched it about seven times already. Yeah, he left the room. Heavy raindrops pelted against the window as Bokuto's frantic sounds filled the room. Akaashi had looked up from his phone and stuffed it into his jacket pocket as the energetic hospital patient made his way across the lot. At least I'm not the only one now. He struggled to raise a hand, and slowly he twirled his index finger in circles at the side of his head. You never miss a day Don't your parents ever ask why you come here so much? He did not give Akaashi time to voice his guess as he then moved his finger to point at his eye, then finally at Akaashi. I know I don't have much time left." Whenever there's a storm I'll be right here holding you close. Akaashi's face buried into the crook of his neck. "Because you said you were okay, and I knew you weren't.". "I barely ever see it." Though Bokuto's speaking skills weren't as good as they used to be, he was still the more talkative one out of the two. Hunter's new YA thriller about a girl who learns that she may have been kidnapped as a child, and must race to uncover the truth about her past before she winds up a victim. Just what kind of guy was he? Did you just Say that to yourself?". With his hand clinging to his neck, he slowly looked up to find that Akaashi was staring back at him with vacant eyes, void of all known emotion. Bokuto stuck his head out of the window slightly and kept it there as the snowflakes fell all around him. His golden eyes searched the room for Akaashi. His frustration slowly faded, and all that was left behind upon his pale face was a look of defeat. Unconsciously, his hand grasped Akaashi's own, and he dragged it down with his lack of strength, causing both of them to startle. Akaashi literally found nothing special about Bokuto. All he cared about was the fact that Bokuto Koutarou was still there. Bokuto lay there glass-eyed, his welled up tears glinting in the dim lighting of the room. He wouldn't always get answers, Akaashi was aware of this, but he would still ask him things. Are you alright?". "But I thought you had that nightmare." "It caught me off guard. Akaashi frowned. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. puppies for sale in nc under 200 associe-se. The page loaded. "Of course. He talked about you all the time when he first met y-". "Keep in touch, Akaashi.". It felt strange, not falling asleep against Bokuto's body, but Akaashi knew that he would have to get used to this form of sleeping by his lonesome once again. "You don't like to see him like that, do you?". Genres Fan FictionLGBTRomanceBoys LoveAnimeQueerManga 104 pages, ebook Published January 1, 2015 Book details & editions Akaashi remained in place with the thought in mind that Bokuto would respect his personal space and sit a foot or two away from him, but to his apparent surprise, Bokuto leaned his head on Akaashi's shoulder and slipped an arm around him. "Isn't that what humans do? He stared up at the ceiling and sighed. Keep it cool. Kuroo finally left the room after four minutes or so, having forgotten that he was supposed to leave in the first place. In Another Life by LittleLuxray | Goodreads "I have to go, Bokuto." Akaashi inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, his eyebrows knitting together as his brow creased. It had been sent two hours ago. Again, thank you! "It's freezing." Chloe was three years old when she became Chloe Holden, but her adoption didn't scar her, and she's had a great life. Akaashi took a shot at it. Akaashi groaned softly and covered his face. He could still see Bokuto's hand, and it had frozen in place. "One, maybe two months at most, if I'm lucky. "So I guess I am pretty good at being funny. There was no hiding it. Bokuto's smile never left his face, and his tired eyelids contradicted his facial expression. "Sorry." what disease did, bokuto have in another life. When he had, however, instead of shutting his phone off and trying to force a few hours of sleep upon himself, Akaashi stared at the phone screen longingly, and read the last messages that were sent between them. (FFI) is a very rare autosomal dominant inherited prion disease of the brain Akaashi's eyes scanned the screen. "What would you have chosen to say?". He's going to be fine. Hesitant fingers that ghosted over Akaashi's forehead in order to push a loose strand of hair away. never reading fanfics again (probably will), *gestures vaguely* idk what to do with my life anymore i won't ever recover from this , I've cried so much, I really loved it, it had been a while since I don't cry with a book. Bokuto stared off in the distance from beyond the net, his face carrying a confused expression. Akaashi frowned and left his phone screen alone to dim and blacken. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. There's a storm coming. Bokuto has round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks; certain sections of it are done up as if to vaguely conform to that of an animal, strongly amplifying the uncanny resemblance he bears to a horned owl. Akaashi pulled his arms in close, wrapping the sheets around himself. He suffered no nightmares, nor did he see anything remotely close to a dream. Because of the nightmare? rockin' the west coast prayer group; easy bulky sweater knitting pattern. He tried to hide his grin with his hand, but it was still visible from the gaps between his fingers. Akaashi dragged a hand down his face. Hang in there, alright? I've watched this movie so many times, I actually fell asleep." He watched the window quietly, paying no mind to his visitor, or so Akaashi thought. In another life, help : HaikyuuMemes - reddit He took several steps back to prepare himself for the toss. Akaashi swallowed thickly and crossed his hands, rubbing one thumb over the other. A month and sixteen days had passed since Bokuto's final visit to Akaashi's home, and once he'd been taken back to the hospital, the doctors and nurses made sure to keep a closer eye on him, and with good reason. It wasn't until he watched Kuroo's form double over in his peripheral that Akaashi did glance in his direction, and when he did, he was greeted with a quietly sobbing Kuroo, his face having been buried in the palms of his hands. He recoiled with a grunt. Frankly speaking, it had no affect on him in the slightest. Another shudder threatened to rattle him, but he kept himself still, as difficult as that was. ", "I'm" Kenma's lips puckered in thought. Akaashi's tone was monotonous, but Kuroo didn't fail to detect the venom that lined each word prior to his last sentence. He laughed hard, or at least as hard as he could. He walked home that day with a balled up blanket in his arms, a burgundy scarf around his neck, and nothing more from the hospital. To not be able to sleep?". As Bokuto backed away from the window, Akaashi was quick to close it, locking the bitter night air out of the room for the remainder of the night. [Nightmare? He pulled himself closer to Bokuto, and nudged his face into the warmth of his neck. Akaashi pulled a solemn face and closed the laptop. Those honey-hued eyes took in all that they could of Akaashi's laughing face. "I'd dream that I messed up during a spike, and then I'd wake up fuming, and would constantly tell myself that I was the best.". Maybe taking him outside for a while would do him some good. Bokuto tightened his grasp in that automatic way he always did. Lying next to Akaashi, a ghostly pale Bokuto smiled. Ridiculous." It took a moment for Bokuto to respond, but after some time, he managed some words. "Drowning in something black, sort of like tar. He only bundled himself up in the sheets that surrounded him. Akaashi pulled Bokuto back inside. His fingers remained stiff for quite some time as his eyes read the introductory paragraph over and over again. Managing a miserable smile, Akaashi roughly rubbed his palm with his thumb. Kuroo." Akaashi was unhappy with where he was, unhappy with what it was that he was doing. Ones that said, He's not dying. Curiosity had sparked within him. which ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY BROKE ME TO PIECES. "Of this hospital. ", "Yeah Yeah. At first, Akaashi thought nothing of it. He turned his head slowly to look at Bokuto, and watched him as he lay in his arms. He lost the ability to walk a little more than a week ago. "All I can say is that sleeping doesn't come as easily as it used to." He didn't want to. He waited for an answer, but did not receive one. He smiled down at him. "Of course! "See, look." His company did not seem like the type to socialize so openly, so he figured simple inquiries would do just fine, especially if he kept them to a minimum. Again, he felt the light tapping against his arm. Akaashi could still feel the sensation of his wild white and black hair brushing against his cheek whenever he moved, and the warmth that came from him as he held him close. [I must have texted you while you were asleep!]. Akaashi murmured the words and looked Bokuto up and down. Bokuto stared down at the white clump of melting ice, and with one finger, he pressed against it to watch it fall apart. His eyes were half-lidded and glued to the screen, his face void of emotion. From the background of the video, a low voice could be heard. The reflection of ending movie credits could be seen in Akaashi's eyes as they scrolled up along the screen of his laptop. Akaashi frowned heavily as he entered the hospital. It's very good. 2) After Akaashi fell asleep, he somehow transported to an alternate universe where Bokuto is alive. Pursing his lips into a thin line, Akaashi looked down and noticed that Kenma had laced his fingers together. "I just came from there. As Akaashi said this, he held out an arm, as if readying himself for some sort of hug. He held the same position and felt himself dozing off "I'm sorry." "You seem a bit anxious." You don't need to know a THING about Haikyuu!! After several seconds, he'd returned to see that Bokuto had changed his position in bed entirely. Kuroo rubbed the lower part of his face with his hand. He blinked weakly and slid his fingers down the sides of his phone, a sign of weariness that he could not disobey. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. Especially before certain volleyball matches." They are my favorite ship in Haikyuu, so typing this makes little to no sense to me. He was redirecting the pain. The words had come as such a shock to Bokuto that he'd paused and looked up at Akaashi. I can probably reschedule], [Nah, it's alright! He was the only person who could get him through those horrible moments, after all. The disembodied voice came from off screen. He circled around the male, apologizing flatly before he continued on. He held it in his shaking hands and closed his eyes in an attempt to try and find sleep again. A mere two minutes outside had turned into two hours. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. Kenma didn't give him a chance to respond. He couldn't face him. Gazing up at Akaashi, Bokuto frowned and tried to form some words, but failed in the end. That had been the fifth time that month where Akaashi had to tear himself out of another nightmare. "Setting an alarm for six AM." "I refuse to go. Unless Bokuto was purposely playing the fool. He kept his eyes on the screen. Another laugh. I was so weak, and it'd gotten to the point where I could barely breath. Akaashi looked at his phone to read the sentence. So much so that his hands trembled slightly whenever he'd push Akaashi's bangs away. Akaashi's head slumped to the side, in Bokuto's direction. Are you busy?". A light hearted laugh bubbled out from deep within his chest, and the sound filled the room as soon as it hit the air. He reached his arm out and held his phone in front of Bokuto for him to type. His only other choice was to lie there and accept whatever it was the IV liquid had to offer him. He lay on his back, with his head on some of Akaashi's pillows. Bokuto's hallucinations had become such a part of him, that he thought the snow outside was just another mind trick. Bokuto curled in on himself and pushed his hands into his hood pocket. At one point in his dream, Akaashi looked out the window. "They Aren't really there, are they?" In Another Life// Bokuto Kotarou's "Death Anniversary - YouTube Akaashi would answer his questions coldly, with little to no emotion, but Bokuto would cherish these answers and retort with excitement in his tone. Akaashi was glad. "Akaashi Keiji." He wanted the thought to leave his mind. ], [I don't know any other way to put it. He threw it open and faced Bokuto, who was jogging to him with a smile and a shiver in each step. "Likewise.". "I'm Holding it now.". He reached into his pocket to fish out his phone, and pushed call on one of his contacts. Still, he continued to talk. I have have a theory that make he managed to achieve sleep, like w/out twitching awake, and during that sleep he entered a dream phase where he kinda had "the light" moment and passed . Slipping his head down to Bokuto's chest, Akaashi leaned against his frail frame. People walked by him, around him, up and down the halls, to and fro, but no one seemed to notice him. Tried so hard to keep himself together, but he knew he was too weak to pull such a bluff. They made him feel nauseous to a point where he had to sit up in bed and swallow deep, slow breaths in order to cool himself down, and he did just that, reaching his hands up to rub at his eyes before taking a tense look around his room. Those yellow eyes were gleaming. It was warm on him, certainly something that one would find comforting, but as he stirred in bed, he was certain that something was off. "You don't have to put that." Akaashi tried to hide his frown. Bokuto resisted, standing firm in place. 15 jun. He shook his head again, stronger this time. Akaashi.". He looked around. He watched Bokuto with a wary gaze, unaware of what he was to say next. They didn't speak for a moment, and the room was filled with the hushed sounds of the outside. The sound of the palm of Bokuto's hand meeting the ball sounded much like an explosion. My last memory of Bokuto will not be of him sharply dressed, pale, stiff, and stuffed in a casket, surrounded by a countless amount of people who did not care for him at all until the day they heard about his death. Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. His lips quivered before he could form his words. Akaashi's eyes widened, his emotions now falling victim to a strange mix of fear and fury. Hesitantly, Akaashi barely managed to wave back before he heard his name being called from that all too familiar room, by that all too familiar voice. "How many words are there? i'm internally SOBBING. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. He drew in a deep breath and blinked away the stinging in his eyes. He sat cross-legged, with a shirt on that was two sizes too big, and a hat that looked as if it had been placed on his head without his consent. Akaashi's eyes widened slightly, and his eyebrows knit together in surprise. ", Small tears spilled out of Bokuto's eyes and rolled down his hauntingly placid features. I didn't hear what you said" Kenma looked up and was greeted with a front facing camera. All he wanted was to see Bokuto again, even if just for a second. Akaashi continued to read on. "Setter. He looked at Akaashi with heavy lidded eyes. In the past, he'd always get sort of tense and paranoid whenever a storm would pass over head, but that was kind of it. After that night, things had only gone downhill from then. His eyes locked onto Bokuto's. A puff of smoke came from him as he exhaled. "What if they've already found out? ", Akaashi watched him carefully. It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. "Keep him company from now on. He observed his surroundings once again, having been fascinated by the inside of someone else's home. by | Jun 30, 2022 | niebaum coppola family select | brian allen rams high school | Jun 30, 2022 | niebaum coppola family select | brian allen rams high school "My parents aren't home.". A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. It was moments like these that made Akaashi realize just how much of an innocent soul Bokuto really was. His eyes read. Once they'd reached it, Bokuto resumed his usual position and wrapped the thick blanket around himself, then turned away from Akaashi. Bokuto would lay still for quite a while, his head tilted to the side with one hand on his stomach, and the other at his side. He exhaled through his nose and entered the hospital, greeted the woman at the front desk (who now knew him by name), and removed the scarf from around his neck. I loved this. Ktar Bokuto | Haiky!! Wiki | Fandom "I'm sorry. "Hey- hey!" His hand wobbled so much that it was impossible to decipher which letters he was hitting. He swallowed thickly. He watched as Kuroo walked away, far enough for small details to become blurred. Akaashi flinched. He smelled sort of like a hospital. Akaashi? He made it home without so much as a hello to his parents who sat in the living room. "I would hope so." I'm not sick, but this place makes me feel like I am." Pulling his laptop close, Akaashi smoothed his finger along the mouse pad. Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes. But on rare occasions, there were times when he'd have no choice but to watch Bokuto fall apart at the hands of his illness, and he hated it. "I'll show you." The day was exceptionally cold, but Akaashi was glad to know that the hospital's room provided enough heat to keep Bokuto from freezing over.
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