Don't worry if you're not using plastic pots; you can still LST your cannabis plants! Snapping stems and branches during LST is entirely possible, with the risk increasing the older a plant gets. And, even though autos are on a race against the clock to flower, there are still plenty of advantages to employing LST. In the same way, topping certain autoflowering cultivars can affect the growth structure and final height of some strains in a negative sense, knowing which strains work best with L.S.T will save you time, space, and increase yields. Lets jump straight into our autoflower LST guide to the Screen of Green. Different cultivars will be more adapted to low-stress training than others. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The process involves tying down branches to encourage lateral growth and even light penetration, in place of the harsher pinching and slashing involved in HST. You can start to perform LST when the first true fan leafs appear by supporting the steam to one side and gently bending the tip to the other side. LST is generally not initiated on plants that are mature and fully flowering. 24 hours after bending, the branch will start to grow up again, but it will start as low as the rest of the branches. LST can be initiated when the plant's stem and shoots become long enough to be tied down. Although branches get stronger as plants get older, they're also less malleable and more prone to snapping should you try and force them into position. We want to make self defence fun, so we've created a curriculum that uses the m. . It improves plant structure, aeration, and yield, all while inflicting minimal stress. Breaking the apical dominance of cannabis causes it to lose much of its signature shape and symmetry. Vertical growth is inhibited, and the growth spreads to the side branches in response, encouraging bud sites to form in areas that would have otherwise been dormant. When you start from the seedling stage, you will have a greater control over your plant. The main priority is getting plants firing on all cylinders. Sam North. At this point you can pinch out the top leaves, it's up to you. terms of use. Like anything in life, there are upsides and drawbacks to implementing LST. Make evenly spaced holes around the rims, or attach safety pins in the case of fabric pots. To get the best results, start as soon as possible and continue low-stress training your autoflowers until they start to flower. This Indica-dominant will give you extra large yield and frosty purple nugs with proper L.S.T. So, you want to continually bend the tallest stems down to the same level as the others, and use a twisty tie to secure it gently but firmly in position. As the shoots grow larger and more leaves appear, the bends may need to be periodically adjusted to keep the canopy even. Once the canopy is established, you'll want to maintain it all the way to harvest. You will notice how the yield and amount of top buds are far superior on the plant that was tied down. A community connecting cannabis consumers, patients, retailers, doctors, and brands since 2008. L.S.T should be applied during the first 3-4 weeks of an autoflowering plants life cycle. training. Remember, even the smallest tweak could make for better light exposure and bigger buds. Continue to LST your autoflowers consistently throughout the vegetative stage. Whatever your LST does exactly, you always have to attach the other side to something, usually the pot. Dont worry too much if some branches arent facing the light; theyll reorient themselves within a matter of hours. ), Duct tape - this is invaluable in securing ties or canes or repairing accidentally snapped branches. This supports your plants as they grow, so it must be able to bear some weight and be sturdy. The technique decreases the risk of over-stressing the plant, allowing it to adjust to the training measures and adapt more rapidly. A short vegetative period with no means of extending it through lighting means autoflowers cant recover from the shock of HST. The earlier you start to LST your cannabis plants, the better. When the plant enters its flowering stage, healthy colas will sprout upwards from the sideways-growing plant. If you're looking for recommendations, the three strains outlined below all respond incredibly well to LST. Greetings. A short stake is all thats required; this helps the plant resist the pull of the ties. Waiting until later in the vegetative or flowering cycle can become problematic as the stems and shoots can become too rigid to bend. Aside from some more work, the disadvantages are purely superficial and wont impact the quality of your cannabis in any way. It requires daily upkeep and maintenance to produce the best results. Its not a bad idea to have some bamboo or stakes handy when low-stress training your autoflowers. Like low-stress training, ScrOG helps optimize yields. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"fWo8gbYGTxgLWUWdLY23YBr_WBa5NHIV53HQCiyHYI8-1800-0"}; The ScrOG low-stress method encourages horizontal growth as it forces plants to grow through a suspended screen. Breaking apical dominance creates a lateral canopy of equally lit branches that all produce substantial amounts of flowers. Learn how to use this simple low stress training technique with our step-by-step guide. Among them, low-stress training produces amazing results without taking too much of a toll on plants. Ive Grown Hermaphrodite Cannabis; What Do I Do Now? This natural formation tends to result in a single dominant bud at the top of the plant, which monopolizes nutrients and hormones, leaving smaller buds on the lateral branches. Finally, don't feel left out if you're growing outdoors. A vertical Screen of Green is a more advanced LST autoflower technique. High-stress training methods can cause problems for autoflowering strains as their two-to-three month life cycle leaves little time to recover from damage. Cannabis experiences an initial growth spurt that lasts for many weeks as it begins to blossom. LST or low stress training (sometimes also called light stress training) is a way to grow your autoflower plants and maximize their output yield while simultaneously maximizing light usage and decreasing the vertical space required to grow autoflowers. In truth, any strain can benefit from LST. That being said, low-stress training can also be used during the flowering phase. Low-stress training your autoflowers reduces stretching to a minimum by creating a flat growth canopy without dominant stems. LST involves gently bending and tying strategic branches and stems. This will give you the upper hand and allow you to control your plant height and growth structure with the intended results. For those unwilling to try or unfamiliar with high-stress training techniques, low-stress training is a low-risk practice to which plants generally respond favorably. I keep the lower outside branches pulled out and up, you get good extra cola development this way. Cannabis plants tend to grow into a formation known as apical dominance, where the plant is bushier at the bottom and narrows to a single elongated cola at the apex. . You can repeat this process as long as your vegetative plant is growing, although you want to ease up when you spot signs of pre-flowering. Is There a Difference Between LST and HST? How Often Should Indoor Cannabis Plants Be Watered? 4. You should consider low-stress training your autoflowers for one main reason; vastly increased yields. That being said, HST will push the potential of your plants to the limit, producing yields beyond that of LST. 2. Here's how to do it. LST allows you to keep an even canopy and get as much bud as possible from your light. Top tips for LST on autoflowers. Autos have a much shorter overall life cycle, so you don't have long to act. Read on for three LST autoflower step-by-step guides. This stretching wastes energy that could be used in flower production and may result in weak, gangly plants. Start LST your autoflowers into the screen with the outer branches first. Despite that, if it wasnt already clear, low-stress training autoflowers produce plants that are very atypical in appearance. It also will allow better ventilation for your canopy. The main difference with HST is that it involves removing leaves, stems, or entire sections of a cannabis plant to force it to grow in a specific way. While you can gently bend and tie down long branches, there are other methods of carrying out low-stress training. While cannabis plants do just fine with minimal intervention, applying training techniques comes with many benefits that make them a worthwhile skill to master. Keep working around the plant, securing each main branch in place. The first step is to create several small holes around the rim of the plant container. Not bad for a few months' work! The next step in low-stress training your autoflowers is tying down branches. Its important to stop at this point, as further stress, no matter how little, may negatively impact your yields. Supercropping or topping autoflowers to increase yields usually ends in disappointment. Low-stress training for autoflowers spreads out a plant, allowing light to reach more parts. Use safety pins or clips for fabric pots, while air pots are studded with easily accessible holes. Because indoor photoperiod plants remain in an indefinite state of vegetative growth until exposed to a reduced light cycle, they have more than enough time to fully recover before entering the flowering phase, meaning yields are unaffected. If the thought of topping your plants is too much to bear, LST is the technique for you. The last step in low-stress training autoflowers with a ScrOG is continuous maintenance. The main element of the ScrOG autoflower method is the screen. Younger annabis greenies typically have more pliable stems that are easier to bend, while older plants may be stiff and frangible. As cannabis plants get older, their leaves become increasingly thick and bushy and resemble a Christmas tree with a pyramid shape, which is wider at the bottom and narrow at the top. When cannabis starts to flower, it exhibits an initial burst of growth which lasts for several weeks. 13 Other (please comment) Voting closed 3 6 6 comments Top Tip: The aim is to ensure an even and flat canopy. Thicker types of wire often stick well into the ground like a tent herring, but you can also drill holes in the side of your pot or tie a band around your pot. It meant a few issues during the growing but on the flip side I have different phenos and they all smoke a little differently. By carefully bending and tying cannabis plants, we can increase light exposure to bud sites that would usually be shrouded in darkness. Regular wire or string should be avoided as it may cut into the stems as they grow, causing damage. Cannabis plant training is a controversial subject throughout the cultivation landscape. This means all plant parts receive equal light, eliminating the need for stretching. Can you low-stress train in the flowering stage. Once flowering starts, the bulk of low-stress training your autoflowers is done. LST can be initiated when the plant's stem and shoots become long enough to be tied down. This core branch develops a large cola, with surrounding branches producing less impressive buds. Another reason to stop low stress training during flowering is to minimize damage to the developing buds. Tip: Although bamboo stakes are optional, they're great for supporting your plants, especially as the canopy gets larger. Now that you know how far the branches bend, tie a string to a nearby hole, and attach it to the branch using a non-abrasive plant tie. To force a cannabis plant to develop several impressive colas, you'll need to top plants during step 2 of our LST guide. As new shoots appear, they will need to be bent and tied down. 38 Continue LST until harvest. How is low-stress training performed on cannabis plants? Help! However, autos race from seed to harvest in a much smaller window of time and begin to flower based on an internal genetic clock, not an external change in the light schedule. Autoflower Guides & Tutorials: How to Grow. The ScrOG low-stress method encourages horizontal growth as it forces plants to grow through a suspended screen. They are not legal to germinate in most countries. If the main branches start to sag, reinforce them with bamboo using any surplus garden ties.
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