"You can't-" my voice broke. She wasn't upset with me? "Your younger brother dove into the darkness after you.". And surely everyone at Camp Half-Blood, maybe even Luke and his cronies, would be too afraid to come down to the Land of the Dead. I'd have to go back for them later. I care about you. You think Thalias with us? She shook her head. And there was only one other person in the world I could even hope would help me. "The witnesses were wood nymphs, they tend not to get involved in such things." Four adolescent girls emerged from the mist, all bearing a striking resemblance to Zo. "You weren't going to come back," he said. "Thalia," I said. The pain in my throat distracted me from the pain in the rest of my body, at least. I just stood with my jaw set. Before I could process what was happening, empousai daimons and dracanae snake women were flooding into the house. Thalia said in disbelief. Now? Hope you enjoy! ", "That's-" He shook his head. The mountaintop began blurring and fading. When Wonder Woman kidnaps Percy from his night in, what will happen? "They're probably gonna wait until I'm in too deep and then light the place up so we can't get out? She'd spent so many weeks lost and alone and scared. "No, it was a girl who had snuck onto Othrys. They didn't look up, so I spoke louder. And I've gotta make sure the bad guys don't follow us.". I looked up into the frazzled grey-eyed face of his best friend and wondered if he was glad he made his sacrifice. Luke said to the monster- I thought it might be some kind of giant- that had lifted dream-me. "No. It was much too big for that. It took two weeks to get all our plans in order. I looked around the room frantically, then took a deep breath as I realized that yes, I was still Bianca di Angelo, and I was still in bed in the run down but still livable Grace mansion, which Thalia had given me full access to last winter. Feared. Even completely still my body ached like I'd thrown the weight of the sky. Come." ", I took a deep breath, and gave her a serious look. Thalia narrowed her eyes at the key pad. I nodded, and held out my hand to her. You left me like everyone else! There you are. So just beforeOk, thank you. He then quickly turned back around and went to follow the rest of the group. "We we aren't going to have to, you know.. fight them, are we?" Its you. Grovers hands started patting him down and Percy squirmed in pain and annoyance. No. Whoa, she held up a hand, and stepped over the threshold. Y- I began to say, but stopped. Seeing this Hades collected himself, the (literal, green) fire in his eyes dimming. Enough to cover the entire ship? Thalia told the other Hunters that this was all part of the secret mission she'd told them I was on, which was now officially 'spying on the titans until further notice'. I thought back to the words I'd exchanged with the girl. She said as she move closer to me. Do you not remember our previous conversation? I ran towards the entrance to the hallway, intending to run to the back door, but one of the empousai threw some of her flame-hair at the ground in front of me. I dont suppose that might be one of your children? "Hey, now," Luke said, putting a hand on Annabeth's arm. "You and Grover are the only people who know about us. She finally stopped struggling. The goal- Whoever blinks first loses. "It's not your destiny to destroy Olympus.". We would be digested in the primordial darkness of Erebus. I barely got away, and I was bleeding really bad. I caught him smiling to himself, and I figured that was the answer hed expected, or at least hoped for. That is, until Percy was assaulted by a clownfish." Percy Jackson was no idiot, and it was obvious that he wasn't like the others. "What's wrong?" He was terrified, and worried, and so, so tired, but he wasn't angry. Chiron yelled and everyone in the camp looked at me in shocked, "Pfft Chiron you it all wrong this guy here is not a son of Poseidon." As if I didn't matter. Thalia said. 11. I know what youre doing. I took a step forward. A stain will fall on your name and your bloodline will be cursed. Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods." I muttered. Thalia Grace stared out over the ruined fields. "Where is he?" I ignored her. After being defeated by them, Thor leads the team towards a friend of him, seeking for help. left kudos on this work! He does not need anything else to happen. Thalia said. I recognized a couple of the girls busying around what seemed to be the medical tent, from my brief weeks as a Hunter. She's fine," my little brother said flatly. I'd made it. Instead, he finds himself in the middle of the woods in Gravesfield Connecticut, and in the care of a kind woman and her odd daughter. "What did I tell you, Nico? In depth looks at the titans and the gods as well as demigods that I created as well. His voice sounded hoarse from disuse. "Hello, Bianca di Angelo.". AKA I'm bad at summaries. I hesitated for a minute, but groaned and started walking in her direction. Zoe was just starting to wake up when we landed. ", I looked weakly up at Luke. she said. Percy Jackson knew the risks, and followed us anyway. I started walking again. (Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Uncle Rick, and the memes all belong to their original creators.) COMPLETE (!!) But there are those lucky ones. Imagine that, but with searing heat. "Can you hear me?" What does that mean for us? Not that he planned to do anything with the fact he was technically related to the Wayne's, he has enough issues on his own. I sighed in relief, kneeling beside the River. "So you're coming back to camp?". Bruce has a few questions about how this random child is his nephew, and why he didn't know of his existence before now. I heard about what you did at Camp Half-Blood. "No. Luke looked out over the cliff he'd survived falling from, once. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Come with us, now.". My dream self remembered, too- I got flashes, indirect memories of exhaustion and fear and blinding whiteness, all accompanied by a friendly-toned and almost chastising voice. My stomach twisted into a knot. There are plenty of more useful demigods here." It took a beat for her to look away from them and lock eyes with me. I noticed two things about them: one, I'd met enough gods to recognize two on sight. Luke approached and tried to help me up, but I slapped his hand away, and stood myself. You had to make sure the prophecy was yours., I shrugged, and almost smiled. Heck, I wouldnt have food or any basic necessities without this mystery casino card Id happened to keep with me. Luke quickly interrupted, "I know that you think of Camp Half-Blood as your home. I was in no mood to fight skeletons. She met all our eyes in turn, then slowly shook her head. "As you had caught my attention just before, I was able to reach through his path in and pull the both of you here before you were consumed." There was a large table in the center, covered in maps and assorted weapons, with a few demigods dressed similarly to Luke and the girl sitting around it. Then, quick as lightning, she pulled her curved hunting knife and plunged it into the center of it. I held out the Mythomagic figure. You sold me out! I accused. "I can't.". I found you on my own. Shes insanely powerful for her age. "The lights," Nico whispered, as if he could tell exactly what I was trying to do. I took a shaky breathe. It was something my father had warned me about, once, getting lost in the dark with no way out, caught in the inbetween place we stepped through with our powers. "The people I love always leave me behind. I though she might be Gabby. There was a second's pause before I started to hear static from Thalia again and felt an immense power radiating off of her. My instincts urged me to slip away, to back out. Or, Jason loves Percy a whole lot, and there is no plot. Shes not with the titans, not yet, at least. "Please understand, we feel horrible about every half blood lost, but this is a war. The Beginning - Apollo "Oh my gods, you're totally right!" She gasped. She'd delivered that figurine to my brother, and she'd kept me updated on everything I missed while I was hiding out. Luke did. I decided to do the same, drawing my bow and shooting at the man. There was probably nothing to worry about. I grit my teeth. You're nothing but a pawn to them. I didnt need help from anyone. And since you're a child of Hades, and you're aging again, the prophecy could be talking about you. I saw both of them, side by side, their blonde hair and skin washed out with light against a bright white wall. ", Thalia clutched her bow. Fine. I grabbed my weapons off the table, and headed towards the door. Zo started in the direction of the mountain, and we followed. Artemis nodded. Then it smoothed back into a smile. "You want to know why they took him?" I hadn't heard that name in what felt like a lifetime, but in this moment I remembered him in vivid detail, running past me to get inside that metal statue, telling me he had a promise to keep. I looked down at my hand and realized it was soaked in blood from lifting the back of her head. Especially to face the daughter of Hades, in her element, with her father, the all-powerful, all-feared Lord of the Dead, in screaming distance. Mostly to see how I was doing, or to try and convince me I should go back to camp. "Don't hurt her. My whole body was sore, and my mind was fuzzy. "Yeah, but it was different this time. It has a great start, true to the feel of Riordan himself. "Gabby and I found you passed out in the woods while we were surveying the perimeter, so we brought you back here. You want to use me to control the prophecy. "That wont change anything. "If I am wrong, it will not matter. "Alright. And since he was respected or feared by most of the creatures inhabiting the Underworld, most of them were too afraid to mess with me. And now, you might be thinking, "Percy, didn't you want to die eventually. I cursed as I woke up and quickly realized I was not on the forest floor. I took a deep breath. Chiron said and gave me a handshake. She's hiding her own bit of darkness that is compatible with his own, if only she can tell him before outside circumstances attempt to rip them apart by the seams. "We have never been nor will we ever be friends," I deadpanned. and I notice as well that everyone at the camp staring at me. "I failed you. I grabbed Thalia by the coat and pulled her back as we heard a loud boom. She disappeared at the end of the quest, right?, She nodded. Annabeth thought for a moment. Before they could all leave, the boy from the future turned and asked a question. Who knows what shell be able to do by the time shes sixteen. One of the other campers continued. "I failed," she took a shaky breath, but no tears fell from her eyes. Ironically, the River of Fire was the only River that was at all safe to drink. "It saves us time. I still have one chance, I thought. barndominium plans with shop. She was new. After a lot of walking we found a gas station with a landline, and called a cab. Is that why this was where the shadows took me? How had they known who I was? "I did have another one of those dreams again.". Second I secretly have a bank account that I never opened it in years and now is the time to open my small fortune inside. The girl had mentioned Thalia as someone she cared about. He told that blonde girl that Camp Half-Blood didnt really care about individual demigods. ", "Huh?" Theres no other way they could have known about my father! #percy I said, staring solemnly at her. Percy woke up to the sound of the door being kicked off its hinges. She'd been lying the moment she walked in the door. Similar to demigods, the human heritage of Nephilim renders them biological organisms and vulnerable to death. But now he's out, and he has work to do. The young girl stamped her foot in frustration and whined. I jolted awake. Please." ", Thalia's expression darkened. My face went slack with horror and I turned to Nico, who looked back at me silently with a look I'd never seen on him. Dream-me was frozen. I knew I could count on you. Luke lead her over to one of the larger maps, and my vision faded. "He takes care of you. He actually might still die. The girl and half the monsters lunged for me, and I sighed with relief as the smoldering, toxic air of the room was replaced with cold, clean darkness. Almost like hes Apollos eyes widened. ", "We're in agreement, then," I said, straightening my posture and shifting from apologetic to propitiatory. I asked. ", "Don't," my dream-self whispered. I reluctantly got out of the car. I had my knives bared, not giving them the option of taking me quietly or, more vitally in this case, quickly. Mostly. When I woke up, everything was still black. And so was Percy, and so was every other demigod who's died on one of their meaningless quests. There would be no retrieving my belongings. "Do you remember when you saved us from that Manticore at Westover?" "The day was going great. He wasn't vengeful. Zo said. Reyna continued, "And what's even more worse the demigod in Camp Olympus is getting wilder no one can calm them down." Athena bet on neither, since immortal gods dont actually need to blink.) So did I, once. They reached the end of the hall, and walked through a set of double doors into a large room made of black rock. We failed miserably! Trying to recruit me at a time like this. Well find you a new family.. When asked to pay, I dug around in my pocket and pulled out a green credit card with a lotus flower insignia. "She mentioned your name.". "He's not here!" "You're sure you don't want us to go in with you," Phoebe said, more of a grim statement of fact than a question. Literally, everything he touches dies. We would fade away into nothing, he said. "I thought she died," Thalia says, clenching her hand in a fist, "If I had-" she shook her head. She was changing form, switching between all of the different animals I'd seen on the walls of her tent. Did I feel safe with my father? "I can't. I didn't have a heart as a dream-specter, but I still felt it start to race. Thalia had joined the hunters the night before her sixteenth birthday, eliminating herself from the running for child of the prophecy, and dumping the blame for the incoming apocalypse on me. "The two of you are children that I love. Kronos Ouranian, the King of the Heavens and the Earth and the Titan of Time, wasn't always the paranoid and cruel madman that is told in the myths. "Well let's go!" This is also the mountain where the titan Atlas holds" her voice caught, her gaze landing on something at the center of the rubble. I turned to see the source of the deep resounding voice. As you have done to me, tenfold will be done to you, Ekdikitis. "If you need some place to go, it's not far from here. #thalia Zo took my hand. Then-". I supposed there was a certain safety in being feared. The sun was shining. I said, "Riptide?" Percy's Secret (A Percy Jackson One-Shot) Fanfiction Percy and his friends are spending the day together, so they decide to go to a new art gallery. As I enjoyed wandering I decided to have fun while I still can. Theyre the only remaining candidates to be the child of the prophecy. They have succeeded in holding off our forces. "You're being so myopic, Nico, you're refusing to listen." Theres no way you would ever dare to look like that!. One end flows down into Tartarus, so I hear, and the other end eventually converges with the other Rivers, creating a fiery, cold, oblivion-woe-and-lament inducing waterfall. "Tell me everything," Thalia said, pulling me back over to her table by the arm. I looked around for the goddess herself, but she was no where to be seen. "We aren't weak, Thalia." "It wasn't your fault, Annabeth." You were gone! I looked up and saw they formed a new pattern- a girl with a bow running across the night sky. When the smoke cleared, the previously prestine door was gray with soot, and had slid out just a few inches to reveal a brilliant white glow coming from within. She frowned, and turned to Thalia. Hestia sighed unhappily at her place near the hearth, but this time it was not because of the state of her family. I stayed where I was, with my hand resting anxiously on my belt of knives. You do not intend to shirk your duty, do you, boy? "I can be angry with you and still care about your life," she said, "The two aren't mutually exclusive. Most people in the room murmured their assent, and so Hestia got up, and led all the half bloods and the other guests to the south wing of Olympus, which was usually where visitors stayed. "Its good to know youre on our side, he said. "What are you proposing? Camp Half-Blood was different to how I remembered it. Another one did the same thing to the wall the window was on. "If we end up needing back up, it'll be too late.". "My baby brother has been abducted by a monster army, and all you care about is why they thought he'd be useful?". "Guys, meet Percy. "Zo. ", "I'm sure that wasn't your fault," she said. #jason I asked, "Well because the-" thalia was cut through, "Because the camp is not what it used to be." She and her brother were frozen in time, they were born before the pact was made." I crouched down, trying to get just the right angle-. Rewrite Of 'Tis A Fearful Thing To Love What Death Can Touch Series! "This delusion of rebellion you two have held has finally been dashed. By destroying our armies, knowing we would have them replenished around the time of your sixteenth birthday, you almost guaranteed yourself as being the child of the prophecy. "Not quite. Then he showed her something, and she started crying. I sprung out of bed and stormed over to the wardrobe before my mind could wander to- no. And this world, this life is just the beginning, and Six year old Percy Jackson lives with his smelly step father, Gabe. She would be returning after Nico and Annabeth were safely retrieved; I would not. I wondered what the heck I'd missed. Grover just resumed sobbing, probably thinking of Percy again without any distractions. Ill go., No! She almost put her hand on my arm, but thought better of it. In and out. Of course. Screwed. The same camper from before said, sitting down. Around the tree was a creature that must have been a dragon. ", Luke took a long, slow breath, in and out. "We should. She nodded, her expression turning pleased but guarded, like she wasn't sure where he was going with this. Luke pointed to something I hadn't noticed before- a pool of water about the right size for a small horse. You mean so much to me. and they tell me Nicos gone, and I start thinking about the stuff that Luke guy said in my dream, and next thing I know, the valleys being consumed by a skeleton-earthquake and all the lights been sucked out of the sky! I wanted to kick myself for ever thinking I couldn't trust her. It's not far-fetched for them to think I died. Her hair fell around her shoulders, and flashed back to its normal blond color. This is just a healing fic for my bby Perce. She decided to give the lost little boy a purpose after he'd lost everything. As if I wasn't there. A young man with dark hair and sea green eyes, Perseus Jackson, said to Leo, giving him a hug. Annabeth had reached the wall by then, and as I watched I could see it slide open into a white hallway. She caught my fist when I tried to throw a punch. in which Niklaus was not the only 'Mikaelson' who was not Mikael's son. I'm sorry, I'll try to come back soon.". "Stay safe. He looked at Nico pointedly. Annabeth Chase stepped forward. Awake. No!" I shrugged. Annabeth sat on a block of obsidian rubble with her head in her hands. It is the Winter Solstice of the year 2009. Aphrodite said. I just got caught up in it. What now?" The middle of the Fields of Punishment. Since that day that he found the demigod crying, he had barely, if at all spoken; something which, especially when combined with the resigned look in his eyes, greatly concerned the god. Then it started to fade, and along with it went the stinging pain of my skin and the aching soreness of my body. "Put her down. "No, I'm not. A bunch of clips of people who I didn't recognize, but dream-me certainly did, being happy and having fun. Artemis looked at me soberly. I imagined this might be what freezing to death was like. The titan asked, and I hadn't thought his voice could sound more dangerous, but I was wrong. I just have to get back there and set things straight. I said as I made a sad expression, "I see but anyway Riptide would you like to go back in the camp?" Those eyes they were much too old for such a young boy and very familiar). What if the reason she had acted so panicked is because I had so much inside information? You saw the negligence of Camp Half-Blood and took a stand. "Welcome to Othrys, my old friend. The Avengers had crossed paths with a group of frightening monsters. #pjo Yes, I do. Because you were scared of actually doing something with your life?" Thou shalt not dwell on that which thou cannot change.". They predated the gods and even the titans, and so much as touching the water from most of them would destroy you. Well be near the Angeles Forest, if you need anything.. If my brother wasn't next in line for the prophecy after me. "What do you mean sis-" I started to ask, but she had already disappeared into the mist ahead on the road, followed closely by Grover and Thalia. So you will get no choice." I sat with Zo in the front, and Thalia sat in the back with Grover, who still hadn't stopped crying. "Understandable. Lucky for us, it seemed to be asleep. "Im not with you.. Please consider turning it on! We told her the titans got him. Tomorrow is certainly going to be an interesting day , she thought, as she transformed into pure light. ", "You want to rescue them together?" He cared so deeply for his brother and to see all of his light drained away hurt him, especially because it could have been prevented. Thalia didnt join in. It was dusk, and I hoped that meant I'd only been out a few hours this time. She hadnt been claimed yet., Luke nodded. ", "He hurt you," Thalia said, not taking the bait. ", She looked up at him. ", Hades glared at me. ", Luke sighed beside her. "Feeling any better?" All the girls in the school want him, all except one. It was pity. "'Rehabilitated'? She was wearing a beige pantsuit, and carrying one of those big clunky tote bags. I overlooked The New York City landscape and smile at myself on how much things have changed in just few yrs. ", "You know that isn't true, Thalia," I said, "You recognized her before I did.". Annabeth's steel grey eyes flared. "You know, there's nothing I love more than having old friends over. ", Annabeth looked at her in the eye. "About Nico and Annabeth.". I would die or be captured, without a doubt. They really are a beautiful blue, I thought, then subtly pinched myself. Camp Half-Blood is a safe place, Percy and Thalia told me it was. "I'm-" I froze. I'd seen her lie. I am going to peel away everything you are until whatever they did feels like happy dream. I laughed. "Your best friend died that day on half-blood hill, Luke. Please consider turning it on! Her eyes were steely, but she didn't object again. To put our destinies in our hands, not theirs. Time has also been frozen outside of this throne room in both the present and the future, so you do not need to worry about juggling your duties with reading. Zo, who seemed the least affected by Percy's death, got us moving again. When I tried to attack her again, she pinned my arms and got on top of me. How could he possibly know that as long as he was in the sea, and even more so for however long he was in Atlantis, every month would feel like only a day? We were all silent for what felt like ages. You know how sometimes, when you're really thirsty and you finally get a drink, you can actually feel the cold liquid in your chest after you swallow?
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