In more than five decades of ministry from the same pulpit, he has preached verse by Are Visits to Heaven for Real? | Answers in Genesis Perhaps it is because we never do anything 100% to the glory of God that no work is untainted with sin. Isaiah 53:4-6. The passage in this unit opens Jesus' Galilean ministry, beginning the second year of His mission. He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. A new visitors' center brings the mountain up close, satisfying the curiosity of many who want a firsthand look inside the famous mountain. Despite the use of irony, we should still view this as a genuine, albeit indirect, act of divine hardening. 334733749636 The holiness of God involving His inner essence is largely hidden, but His glory is manifest, being declared by the whole creation. (The Commission of Isaiah - Emmaus Journal V4:1, Summer, 95). What overwhelmed him with this keen sense of his vileness? TODAY ALONG THE WAY - Isaiah 6 is not the kind of text we can just read and put down. In the sixth chapter he tells us, "in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord" (Adonai). Lachlan Ilias 8. The early church father Jerome likened him to Demosthenes, the legendary Greek orator. The side-expedition failed, however, so in a second attempt he sent messengers to Jerusalem demanding an immediate surrender of the city (2 Kin. Perhaps you accidentally stepped on a live coal from your campfire during your last vacation. John Piper Minor Prophets (Isa 37:31), Grogan -How astounding that God should use the word holy (qadosh) of the remnant of His people when it has been used already in Is 6:3 in relation to His own transcendent being! Given a choice, you certainly wouldnt repeat it. The message and the revelation are to be repeatedly before the nation, yet she is forbidden to perceive and understand. On the surface it seems to indicate Isaiah's hardening ministry will prevent genuine repentance. Luke-Acts sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur. 1:13). What is to be heard is the message of God through Isaiah, and what is to be seen are the works of God which prominently display His providence. But none is more extraordinary than (and few are equal to) the verse to which we come now. Holy, holy, holy! Adonai is the exalted, majestic sovereign, the One Who has the right to call Isaiah into ministry so that His sovereign rights as Master and Owner over Israel might be proclaimed (Isa 1:3 "an ox knows its owner"). But not many continue in the chapter to dwell on the specific message Isaiah is told to preach (Isa 6:9,10) because this message shocks us. Izaac Thompson 6. The coal touched his mouth, corresponding to Isaiahs sense of unclean lips and his imminent prophetic calling. The Greek title, Doxa Kurion, is translated as the glory of the Lord. Doxa means brightness, brilliance, or splendor, and it depicts how the Shechinah Glory appears. Pauline Epistles As with most of our studies so far this month, we can't summarize everything the Bible teaches about God in a few lines. (Ibid), We make calls out of our own spiritual consecration, but when we get right with God He brushes all these aside, and rivets us with a pain that is terrific to one thing we never dreamed of, and for one radiant flashing moment we see what He is after, and we say - "Here am I, send me." In the presence of the thrice-holy God he is not even fit to worship properly. 'Avon is is a twisting of the standard or deviation from it and thus refers to iniquity, guilt or punishment for guilt. J Vernon McGee applies this grand scene to our everyday lives noting that, if we would see Him today in that (high and lifted up) position, we would be delivered from low living. (cp Nu 21:5, 6, 7, 8, 9, cp Jesus' teaching Jn 3:14, 15 , 2Co 5:21, cp destruction of the idol Israel had made from the bronze serpent 2Ki 18:4). Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? The presence of the seraphim and their thunderous voices are a picture of indescribable majesty. Although, one should avoid dogmatic interpretation, it seems to predict that the remnant will pass through another "fire", which could refer to further chastisement. The foundations of the thresholds trembled - the bases of the thresholds shook. He is so unlike us, so exalted over His creation, that we can't control Him or make Him simply a reflection of ourselves. April 10, 2013. Isaiah: The Promise of the Messiah by John F. MacArthur Jr. - Goodreads God's holiness is the keynote of Isaiah's whole prophecies. Amen, and Amen. We learn much about heaven in these few verses. The temple - What Temple? (Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Isaiah 5-6 "The Man for a National Crisis" - Dr. John MacArthur 157,598 views Mar 15, 2021 3.9K Dislike Share Save Trinity Bible 6.8K subscribers Show more The Kingdom of God - John. Isaiah 6:12 THE LORD HAS REMOVED MEN FAR AWAY, AND THE FORSAKEN PLACES ARE MANY IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND: The LORD has removed men far away - This phrase is still part of the answer to Isaiah's question "How long? 37:9ff.). Mark the profound humility of the seraphim-they veiled with their wings their faces and their feet. 5:8). Through-out the Bible, whenever an supernatural being appeared to someone, that person was overcome with fear and amazement. Beloved, we all do well to ponder the truth that the Lord always fulfills His Word, even though the fulfillment may be long in coming. Isaiah 6. While God Himself did not literally do this to Judah, He did use King Nebuchadnezzar to carry out this end of carrying Judah off into exile in Babylon. In the Old Testament this kind of symbolism is usually negative, but for Jesus it is clearly positive. Constable -It is in seeing God for who He is that we can see ourselves for who we are and can, therefore, accurately evaluate our condition (Isaiah - Expository Notes), John Fish explains that Isaiah "does not merely say that he is doomed because of the belief that no man can see God and live (Ex 33:20), but because the vision has revealed the infinite moral contrast between the One on the throne and Isaiah himself. Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. So let us all beware, lest our hearts should be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (cf Heb 3:13-note). General Epistles The call of Moses serves as another illustration. MacArthur New Testament Commentary Ser. Oh, it was the unclouded view he had of the essential glory of the Son of God! If you can, use a fall barbecue or bonfire as an opportunity to meditate on the reality of Isaiahs coal. isaiah-6:1-8-niv - Blogs This is the only way He can be approached. so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth (He reiterates that this is not God's desire but is their choice), but took pleasure in wickedness (How they behave shows what they really believe). They stoop and worship. Isaiah 6 - Isaiah's Conviction, Cleansing and Call A. (See context in The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 139), Uzziahs reign was a kind of Victorian era in Jewish history. Ex. And clouds of smoke enwrapped the throne on high. In about 745BC, five years prior to Uzziah's death, Assyria began to emerge as a new international power under Tiglath-Pileser (745-727BC) while Jotham was king (2Ki 15:19). The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. From the Hebrew root, meaning "existence." TODAY ALONG THE WAY- Its a staggering thought to realize that naturally unholy people like us can look forward to sharing heaven with our sinless God. The pattern of literal fulfillment of his already-fulfilled prophecies gives assurance that prophecies of Christs second coming will also see literal fulfillment. That was also the experience of Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul the apostle. What we believe about God is so crucial because everything else in our lives is built on that foundation. In addition Isaiah is the agent in achieving this effect. Nehemiah Ray Pritchard - Once Peter realized who Jesus really wasthe true Son of God from heavenhe saw himself in a new light. Fulfillment of his prophecies of Christs first coming have given Isaiah further vindication (e.g., 7:14). His writing style has no rival in its versatility of expression, brilliance of imagery, and richness of vocabulary. Simon Peter represents all disciples. 46:10). They have not seen this great need as Christians. This is a frightful state. Send me! Isaiah was ready and willing to do the bidding of his Master. (Dallas Theological Seminary. (Isaiah 6 Net Bible Comments) (Paragraph indentations, bolding and italics added), Robert Murray McCheyne who himself died at a young age gave this advice to a young ministerial student. Prophets Isaiah 9:1, 6-7 John MacArthur tells the story of "A little girl came home from Sunday-School triumphantly waving a paper. What we must see, in the context of the whole Bible, is that this burning coal symbolizes the finished work of Christ on the cross. ), It is interesting to note the parallels between the divine encounter in Isaiah 6 and that of Peter and the disciples with Christ in Luke 5, And when He (Jesus) had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Beloved, is there not a powerful principle here? 1 Samuel As an aside, this surely points to an amazing display of grace from God to man, that the man Isaiah would even be permitted to look upon such a sight without dying (cf Ex 33:20, Jn 1:18, 6:46, 14:9, Col 1:15-note, 1Ti 6:16), Thine angels adore Thee, GIVE. Damien Cook 10. How different from some Christians who rush out to serve Christ before taking time to meet the Lord and be cleansed. zera, a collective singular; cf. "YOU SIN IS FORGIVEN" Isaiah sadly unlike the disciples did not receive a promise of procuring men but rather a promise of reproving men because of their rejection of Truth. Perhaps we could expand our paraphrase: "Otherwise they mightrepent, and be restored, and they certainly wouldn't want that, would they? Your partnership makes all we do possible. ; Is. Thus this "emphatic Semitic triplet" underscores God's extreme/unsurpassed level of holiness, an infinite degree of holiness. Isaiah confessed in Isa 6:5 ("I am a man of unclean lips") and the faithful God in His boundless mercy provided purification and forgiveness of his whole being (not just from unclean lips but from iniquity and sin). (Mt 4:17, 18, 19), Paul like Peter and Andrew manifested a similar complete surrender to Adonai (Kurios) declaring, I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself (death to self, surrender to the Lord, not one's own but bought with a price), in order that I may finish (teleioo = accomplish, bring to an end or to the intended goal. Isaiah, chapter six teaches us that even in this age the day of grace may come to an end for certain individuals. Over the past few days, we may have given you the idea that forgiveness is only pleasure. Isaiah 9-6 Prophecy Beloved, perhaps it is not your mouth, but your wandering eyes which need to be cleansed of defiling, pornographic images. Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth! Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books) (Bolding added), In Isaiah 6 the prophet was described as seeing the glory of God. But having your act together runs contrary to Scripture. Him - Is a collective pronoun which includes the company of the seraphim. John MacArthur Sermon Archive - Logos Bible Software When all is said and done, Isaiah might as well preface and conclude every message with these ironic words, which, though imperatival in form, might be paraphrased as follows: "You continually hear, but don't understand; you continually see, but don't perceive. THOUGHT - How do I respond when I "hear" the Master's voice (especially in His Word) commanding a certain response? Jesus does not call those who think they can help God do his work. the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, Who was and Who is and Who is to come. (Re 4:8-note), contrasting with the thrice repetition of six in the number of the Beast in Rev 13:18-note). The God of grace and mercy is also a God of judgment. But whether suddenly or slowly, we should aim to increase our awareness of Gods holiness and our sinfulness, coupled with an ever-deepening understanding of the meaning and application of the gospel. And sometimes the vision is too much for us to handle. Though the closing years of Uzziahs reign were filled with disobedience to God, this Judean monarch, in comparison with many other kings, was still considered godly, for he did right in the sight of the Lord (2Ki 15:3). Through that sacrifice alone could iniquity be purged and sin be put away (He 9:13, 14-notes). As Adam and Eve hid themselves when they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden; (Ge 3:8, 9, 10) so do we shrink from the felt presence of the Lord in view of our own unworthiness and guilt. How to Go from Fearful to Forgiven John MacArthur. It can also be represented as a consuming fire (Ex 24:17). Ironically, Israel's rejection of prophetic preaching in turn expedites disciplinary punishment, and brings the battered people to a point where they might be ready for reconciliation. (See context in The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament), How could this (Isa 6:9,10) be the message of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1Ti 2:3, 4)? Esther Apart from the grace and mercy of God, we would all cry "Woe is me" and it behooves each of us to continually keep this attitude so that we might remain humble and yielded to our great and awesome God (cf Dt 7:21, Neh 1:5, 4:14, Ps 99:3-note, Da 9:4-note). Make sure this day includes some time alone with the Lord to thank Him for His holiness, and consider what it means to be holy the way He is holy. And the LORD will be King over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one. Isaiah: The Promise of the Messiah (MacArthur Bible Studies) Oy - 23x in 22v - Nu 21:29; 24:23; 1Sa 4:7, 8; Isa 3:9, 11; 6:5; 24:16; Jer 4:13, 31; 6:4; 10:19; 13:27; 15:10; 45:3; 48:46; Lam 5:16; Ezek 16:23; 24:6, 9; Hos 7:13; 9:12, How does Isaiah express woe? This was true in the nations around Israel, as well. In this sense it is a genuinely strategic chapter, shaping and defining the book as a whole. Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God. E. Michael Green: Fresh from his baptism and temptation, Jesus launches his . March 19, 2018. Solid Joys. ", and so should be read as "Until the LORD has removed men far away." It is a verse in which John refers to one of the most glorious visions of God ever given to a human beingthe vision received by Isaiah at the beginning of his ministry as a prophet, in which he saw Jehovah sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, with his train filling the templesaying quite naturally, it would seem, that this applies to Jesus. As Motyer says "Typically of Isaiah, hope is the unexpected fringe attached to the garment of doom." I went back to fishing for fishI thought I knew that kind of fishing better, but I find that I dont!
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