There are a number of ways to even the odds. Back down the steps is the entrance to the keep. Your envoy informs you that money is missing from the treasury (-30BP). There is a short cut up the slope which requires Lore (Nature) followed by Athletics to negotiate. If you examine the walls nearby. They have fairly weak Will saves so Hideous Laughter is useful. The Greater Trollhound drops an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. If it proves too difficult, there's no shame in coming back later since there is nothing essential here. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. Waine. When you return to the road, bring Amiri with you because we can do her companion quest. While exploring this area, you will have a fixed encounter at some point. The group nearest you comprises a Troll Rock Thrower and two Kobold Snipers. However, similar to claiming the Outskirts, this will cause another 14 days to pass which you don't want to happen right now. You may want to have the character with the highest Persuasion skill down a Potion of Eagle's Splendor and quicksave. The top sarcophagus contains an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (1/16). They drop Masterwork longswords. Go back inside for an easy battle against a Kobold Sentinel and two Trollhounds. Continue further east where you will be attacked by six Giant Poisonous Frogs. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. They are stooped, fantastically ugly, and astonishingly strong - combined with their claws, their strength allows them to literally tear apart flesh to feed their voracious appetites. Quicksave before going to the throne room. "I'm your baron!". Deal with it and Delgado will point out the mark on the creature's skin. There is another container in the room with a Torag's Pendant and minor loot. Afterwards, you will have to make an alignment-based choice: Your choice will determine options in a future kingdom event; see here for details. Ask him to be an advisor. Trolls stand about 14 feet tall, but their hunched postures often make them appear shorter. As you head down the corridor you will have to fight a Dread Skeleton Elite and three Nightmare Skeletal Champion Archers. You receive a letter from Svetlana expressing her concerns about Bokken. Now to track down Ivar. Search a nearby log for a Token of the Dryad and a Shard of Knight's Bracers (4/10). Follow Tristian out to the Capital Square. There's not really much to see there unless you have a thing for wyverns. Afterwards, Harrim will approach. For the time being, don't go out of your way to claim resources, but if you're passing and have the BP, you may as well. When they're dead, search the dead body to find two potions of Invisibility (ha! Kill the troll Help Bartholomew Delgado kill Branded Troll (Healing Item). Return to your capital and rest. This one, special fish will summon an Ancient Wyvern for you to fight. There is a hidden stash nearby with a Ring of Protection +2. It seems that trolls are menacing Bartholomew Delgado. They have four attacks and DR 10/magic but they're manageable. Continue west and kill a group of wolves. Grab a diamond from his remains. He'll help you later if you let him live. Annexing the Kamelands is also required to unlock Tristian's companion quest. Speak to them and you will have options to save them (or not). But not Grease so lay that down and then lay into them with the person wielding the Demolisher. You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. Continue west and you will see Mud Bowl to the south. He's not pleased. Tristian's Holy Lance ability on your best attacker is quite nice for these since they are evil. The best option is the "[Requires Chaotic]" one which allows you to make Tartuk your vassal. The book is a quest item for Bokken while the Skymetal is the first in another relic set. Search to the right of the Hodag's Lair to find a Shard of Knight's Bracers (5/10). The initial creatures are a Bear-like Treant and a Quick Boar. There are a couple of things to do while you're here. Cross over to the south side of the Gudrin River if you're not already there and head east. Leave the town and bring up the kingdom management screen. Agree to investigate to initiate Kingdom of the Cleansed. Continue north and observe that the footprints change. When they're dead, loot their bodies for Masterwork shortswords. With Inspire Competence and gear, Octavia can have Trickery +26 or more which is sufficient to remove the DC36 trap, earning you 1440XP. This is the self-appointed "Voice of the Dragon". If you got one of the wererats to drink the formula, you'll have one less enemy to deal with. Ask where he might be and she'll point the finger of blame at a witch living in the Narlmarches. Move your party to the right of the coffin before you attempt to get the lid off. Mirror Image or Displacement can help greatly here. If you read his letter, you know what common sense tells you anyway: there is no such thing. The check is made by your main character, so choose whichever one is most likely to succeed. Before entering the ruins, get Shield on as many party members as possible (an Alchemist + Infusion helps). After that little exchange, exhaust her conversation options. Head to the throne room and show the Spear Fragment to Storyteller who will recount the story associated with it. All that lies between you and escape are a pair of 2nd-level Ferocious Wolves. While these are usually nonlethal, trolls are aware of each others weaknesses and will use such knowledge to kill their own kind if food is scarce. When the enemies are dead, the gnomes will draw attention to their cart stuck in the river. Pick up Nazrielle's Cursed Sword from the ground. If your party is fatigued, you can choose to rest here since the encounters elsewhere in the area are brutal. Ask him about himself and what he's doing and he's not very forthcoming. Head up the stairs and kill the two Redcaps. To the south are a group of five Dire Boars. Search the ground a short distance ahead for some gold, gems and the Chaos Shard dagger. By now the enemies you'll face will be fairly easy. Set him to work on something (I had the Enchanted Wind opportunity open at this time). While you're immune to electricity, go across to the other side where there's a Mobility (DC20) check to get across a ditch. You can make this easier by ignoring the cart for the moment and heading north to the ponies standing by the cart. If you allowed him to keep experimenting on poor Dimwit, you can recruit him as an advisor. Defeat all enemies, and if Tig is saved, speak to him. Note that you cannot go further east for the time being. It's not tough but it has a ranged attack that causes the entangled status. After you've cleaned their blood off your blades, loot their camp for some tasty loot including a Phylactery of Negative Channeling and an Arcane Protector dagger. You will to some rocks which require an Athletics check (DC22) to climb. She will claim to know nothing and then figure out that Sartayne has been sabotaging her efforts. Continue west and then north. He will die if trolls brought him below 0 health . Doing so will allow you to summon their assistance later. They are almost certainly too powerful for you right now (they're 18th level and you're 8th). The other containers yield minor loot. This is part of another relic set and another one you won't be completing for a good, long while. Talk to him to begin this quest. You will learn that she told her son in anger to drown himself in Candlemere Lake. Go back to your fortress and enter the tavern (either select it when you go to the fortress or exit the throne room and go all the way to the right to see the marker leading to it). After seven days, when the problem has been solved, go to Shambling Steps to confront Nazrielle about the dodgy weapons. If you are unable to recruit him, you can murder him. Your first task is to appoint advisors. Leave the cave and cross the bridge. Just before crossing over into Dire Narlmarches, camp. Head back through the gate and find Kagar. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Which monsters and which dungeon are unspecified at this point. I don't believe the choice matters. Take out anyone who might pose an actual threat - there are a few higher level Fighters, Archers and Rogues and Ruthgert himself is a 5th-level Cleric. You will find a large group of three Tatzylwyrms and three Greater Tatzylwyrms in your way. You have good and evil options for dealing with them and then a bunch of choices. You need a location called Verdant Chambers. As you do so, creatures will start pouring out. If you have good AC, you should be OK. Head inside where you will find a Tremendous Centipede, four Giant Centipedes and a Spitting Giant Centipede. This will lead to a new project which you may want to put on the back burner for the time being. Examine the box next to the cart. Let's just say that robbing the corpse may not bring you good luck. However, if you are protected, they won't really be able to hurt you so you simply need to wait until your attacks connect. Kalikke will note the ruined tower and point out the boss of the area. If you have access to something like Hold Monster, it will come in useful. She stole the money to pay for a printing press. When it's defeated, search the various containers for an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and minor loot. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. The containers hold minor loot. Time to find out why Jenna sent us on a wild goose chase. Continue north to face off against a dangerous group of enemies: a Branded Troll, three Trolls, a Kobold Boomsayer and a couple of Kobold Archers. These are fairly powerful creatures with 102HP and a nasty acid spit attack. Back in the throne room, Kassil may have news of Jamandi's response to the way you (mis)handled Oleg's tax issues. You can have Sartayne take Nazrielle's place, which is pointless, or let him go which is actively harmful. This is worth a visit for a decent bow for Ekun and a new recipe. After a round or so, he will be joined by four Dread Skeleton Elites and three Ferocious Skeletal Champion Archers (level 12 undead). These aren't as powerful as Viscount Smoulderburn (they only have AC24 for starters) but they have Natural Invisibility so you will miss frequently due to concealment. It is also trapped (DC22) and locked (DC20). Look for a hidden cache on the path containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (2/10). 3. Have someone equip the Demolisher and put Freedom of Movement on your frontline. The Guardian of the Bloom will appear on the battlements to gloat. A male troll tends to live a solitary existence, partnering with a female for only a brief time to mate. However, Ekundayo is a stealthy sort. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. One or two Events will have popped up, one to speak to Harrim and possibly another if your Loyalty stat reached 20. Heal him for a small XP boost. March to Thorn Ford to cross the river. However, there's a lots to do before you go there. There is another floor puzzle in this room which you can simply make a note of for the time being. By now, she should be capable of taking on the Ferocious Hodag since it's not that tough. The door to the east is sealed. Go south down the lower passageway. Continue round the walls to find another trap (DC26). You can pick up part of a relic set so it's worth a visit. The two containers near the doorway you came through hold minor loot. If you have the complete set of Restovic relics, he will trade these for a story, earning you 4000G and 600XP. They shouldn't cause you too much trouble, particularly if you blind them with Glitterdust. If he is ordered to release Dimwit, and you are Neutral you can use a dialogue option to apologize for interfering. Leave your capital and make your way west to a Ford Across the Skunk River. The letter invites you to visit and unlocks a worthwhile project, Trade Agreement with Maegar Varn. A popular method is to cast Grease at the location where the fight will take place and give Valerie Freedom of Movement. Rather than fight them fairly, you can target them with missile weapons if you go south a short distance. If you need to waste the last few hours before an Ancient Curse develops, just head out onto the world map near your capital to make time pass. Make a DC14 Mobility check to climb down. If you are able to open the chest (DC 37), you can grab the gems and Shard of Knight's Bracers (7/10) along with a bunch of gems. Otherwise, arm yourself with the Mallet of Woe. Agree to help fight the monster and he will open the portal. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour.. Search the Sentinel's remains for an Old Dwarven Chest Key. The well is to the left of his house. Go a short distance left after disarming the first trap and you will find a log with some minor loot. Lone House, Bartholomew Delgado, Bridge over the Gudrin River +1 +3 dodge bonus to AC, immune to nauseated: Beastrender: Falchion: Goblin Fortress +2: . Agree to help him and he will ask you to test it on a dog. If you recruited Nazrielle, her apprentice, Sartayne, will appear to offer an apology. Being able to recruit Bartholomew as an advisor later brings two benefits. Open it up for a unique suit of armour, Blessed Path, and a large quantity of gold. You can interact with a tile at the top of the room to reveal a hidden area beyond. Stefano Moskoni is an annoying Pitaxian who has come to deride your efforts. It's not much of a detour to check it out. Head further west for a challenging encounter against four Ferocious Worgs and an Alpha Worg. Nip back to Varrask and give him his tools to recruit him as an artisan. Quicksave and have Linzi use Inspire Competence before you examine the sarcophagus because there are moderately difficult skill checks to make which give you a decent chunk of XP. A new update 2.0.7k is here! When they're no longer a problem, you can grab some minor loot from a hidden compartment in wall of the corridor. Backtrack to the Murque River and make your way east along the southern shoreline. Use acid to kill the Branded Troll. After you've cleared the areas, backtrack to the fork and take the path leading southwest. You will earn 300XP if he survives and you will meet him later. Go north for a battle against a Nereid, a Nixie Prankster and four Giant Poisonous Frogs. You will spot the Lonely Barrow to your east, but this is a bit high level for you now. At the top, there is a cave entrance to your right. This will summon an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and two War Wisps. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. You can take this if you like - skip ahead to the audience with Hargulka and then come back up. Head across into the South Narlmarches region and you will emerge by the Ruined Watchtower. Head northeast from your current position and cut your way through four bears. Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her) and she will give you an Invitation from the Kingdom of the Cleansed. Any 7th level character should be capable of taking them out. Leave them to it but kill the Trollhound with acid yourself because it regenerates. When they're dead, you can grab the other two Gloomberries and search a log to find Shard of Knight's Bracers (6/10) and a Token of the Dryad. At the top are three traps and a pair of patrolling Redcaps. Question him and you will learn he is the Wilber named on the coins and that they are a curse. I think the trolls are overpowered in your case (or may be Bartholomew died because of AOE damage from your attacks/spells). Do not go through the gate, because you're not able to target the Owlbear beyond (a stupid interface issue). Instead, continue northwest where you will find three Ferocious Wolves and a Kobold Sentinel. Tristian will seem puzzled that the affair ended in violence. Well, i trust grand diplomat with back whip. Your only lead for the time being is the witch's hut in South Narlmarches which you've doubtless passed several times already. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. Arresting him is somehow Lawful Evil. The round container holds potions while one of the crates contains the Cypress Queen's Quill (3/5). Hostility ensues. Tell the Berserker that you wish to speak with their chieftain and you will be taken before him. If you back out of the kingdom management interface, you can enter it again by clicking on the table in front of your throne. All trolls spend most of their time hunting for food, as they must consume vast amounts each day or face starvation. If you're wondering what to do with the fish you picked up outside the cave, return to where you spoke to Ivar. Tristian will break the news that the curse wasn't lifted, merely abated, initiating part 2 of An Ancient Curse. It will trigger the quest. Speak to Valerie about it to learn that Valerie's former order is demanding that she return to Shelyn's service, initiating the quest Shelyn's Chosen. Assuming you've annexed the Kamelands, you will want to visit your new settlement there to recruit artisans. As you approach the house, you will find summoned Giant Spiders fighting trolls, handily serving as a distraction while you murder them. Quick save because the RNG is a swine. You should take the opportunity to level up one of your advisors (whoever is free). Be careful that you don't run into them. At the top, go left and defeat a pair of Gargoyles. There's a trap at the end. Haste your party and use effects like Archon's Aura and Prayer to reduce Hargulka's melee effectiveness further. This basically tells you when you need to pay attention to the place. You can pick up this quest after you visit Bartholomew during the Nature of the Beast quest. This is the Eight Legged Curse: monstrous spiders emerging from Bald Hill. The Neutral choice is not very rewarding. Equip the Heart of Ira and buff up with potions before going in. You can't explore the rest of the level from here. If you have an evil alignment, you can actually turn Hargulka against Tartuk and have him cut the little pipsqueak to size. Search the campsite and you will find a rope and a crowbar among other minor loot. Help them get the better of their attackers. Return to the path and continue south. This is not really a fair fight because Sinnet is much stronger than Valerie can possibly be by this stage. I guess it's finally time to check out Bridge Over the Gudrin River. Do not worry about it for the time being. This will bring you out by one of the exits to the upper level. You will find Varrask the Wildfist standing near your starting location. Either keep the whip to yourself by telling Bartholomew about it (or lying about not finding the item) or return the item to its owner, who will reward you with 1500 coins and 375 experience. Ask about "other dangers on the road" and a location named Hodag Lair will be added to your map. If you use my Valerie build, she has True Strike, Mirror Image, Displacement and Dragon Breath (which is quite effective). To advance the quest, read the walkthrough of The Nature of the Beast main quest. Follow the dog until you find a man called Ekundayo. He drops a unique dagger, Arcane Protector, a Cloak of Resistance +2 and a Headband of Vast Intellect +4. Make your way to the southeast corner where you will find the Scythe Tree waiting. Back on the world map, bring up the Kingdom Management screen (square button). Here is a secret: On the upper level, you can find two plates with images of the Sun and the Moon. Select Settlements / Shambling Steps and build Nazrielle's Weapon Shop and Varrask's Weapon Shop. Nice thing for a mother to say but it gives you an idea as to where to look. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Wilber will find rest at last and you can search a nearby container for your reward: the Phylactery of Positive Channeling. Kill the lot of them and open the nearby chest to find the Galt Ragout recipe, a Soot Blackened Brand (2/5) and some gold. Search a nearby container for the Soot-Blackened Gloves (3/5). Jubilost with acid bombs is a reliable damage dealer as is Octavia with Magic Missile. A Troll and three Trollhounds will wander down from the north after which you should remove a trap from the floor in front of you. Ask him what he's doing and ask about the dwarven outpost. He will want to wait a while to ambush some trolls who come this way. These are more dangerous than the ones you've been fighting up to now but so long as you are protected against their venom, they're not too much of a threat. You can either escape or kill them. These creatures have 100HP and DR 10/cold iron But they're fairly slow and you should be able to open up with a salvo from Ekun. The Snipers stand well back and have a habit of targeting your squishier guys. Examine it for various options. You will find a cache with a Dwarven Helm Shard (1/10). To the bottom left of your capital is the Lake Candlemere there is also a small island with a tower in the middle of it. Leave her alone for now and continue south. A hidden nook in the floor contains a Torag's Pendant and scroll of Fireball. Be careful not to accidentally sell anything irreplaceable because you won't be able to get it back after leaving the area. When they're dead, Jaethal will come up with a jolly wheeze: raise one of the elves as an undead pal. Run back to Tiressia and tell her that Elga Verniex is back in the village and she will give you a letter to give her. Climb back down from this area and go immediately south. You will be attacked from front and behind by three War Wisps. There is also one group of bandits who help distract the trolls. Loot the enemies and grab some gold and gems from some nearby dead bodies. Look for another way out you can climb the wall to the right of the tree, but only if you pass the athletics test. Explore and conquer Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom! Head to the world map and make your way to Silverstep Grove. Return to the trail and continue east at the junction. If you met him on the road, you will find Rashor here. They aren't hostile so you can't get the drop on them. If you succeed at a Knowledge (World) check (DC22), you get the option to tell them that they're on a fool's errand. Note that even when you have the BP and a Treasurer, the Trade Agreement with Surtova will almost certainly never pay for itself and pillaging the Temple of the Elk locks you out of a decent kingdom upgrade for marginal benefit.
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